I was tagged :)

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So basically CatCriesALot tagged me.....btw go check her out she's super awesome!

1. If you had an octopus with only one tentacle, what would you name it?

-Probably Blobby.......idk why XD

2.If you had your own mickey mouse character, what would it's name be?

-Probably Mercury....since there's also Pluto (planet theme)

3. If you had 5 kids that were super evil, what would you name them?

-Ummm.....probs Raven, Seth,Ethan, Ian, and Chuck

4. Do you consider yourself yandere material?



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5. If you were the owner of the Smarties company, what would you do to the Smarties?

- I would make the sour ones even more sour, cause I like sour stuff ;3

So I also tag CatCriesALot Cat-tastrophie322 

1. If you could make a movie, what would it be about? 

2. If you had 10 seconds to live, what would you do?

3. Favorite YouTube video?

4. Favorite video game?

5. If you were a superhero, what would your power be?

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