A Prince and His Protector- Mithross

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Okey so hi again....-CAT

Ross's POV

"Ross, this is your new protector, Max."
My mom (the queen) was very overprotective of me and my sibling, Tim. Except he had a different protector.

"Hello, your majesty."
He bows before me like a gentleman.

"Nice to meet you, Max."
I wish people would talk to me normally, including Max.

Since he's new, today he learns about my schedule, classes, and other stuff.
Oh I should probably introduce myself, my name's Ross, and I'm a prince. You're probably wondering what I'm doing, well this is my journal where I write about my life. And today I got a new protector, knight, whatever you call it. He's nice and cool, he's better than the last....who was so strict. I've never taken a fond of having someone follow me around 24/7,but that's my life.


Today marks the day that Max has been my knight in shining armor.....for 2 years. I've grown to like him, and I have to admit I like him....like like. Okay so whatever I have a crush on Max. Ugh I have to go to class now. Bye for now journal.


Why me, why did this have to happen to me?!?!? Okay so to catch you up, Max found my journal. He knows that I have a crush on him, so I've been ignoring him. I mean what else can I do?!? It's not like I have superpowers that make me go back in time. But today Max brought this topic up. (Not about superpowers....about crush stuff)

Max=M  Ross=R

(M) "You know you can't ignore me forever, right?" He asked biting into an apple, while sitting in my room, on my window seal.

(R) "Of course I do...."

(M) "Then why are you acting like this?!?"

(R) "Well why shouldn't I?!?"

(M) "B--Because I like you too!...."

(R) "Really....then prove it!"

(M) "Fine!"

Max drops his apple and rushes towards me. He kisses me on the lips, which is all the proof I need. After a minute we pull away and stare at each other. We smile at each other, then go and cuddle.

The end

Okey so hi....ummm this is really short which I'm sorry for, and I will probably do another longer one like this.
And sorry for not updating as much, I've just been really focusing on some certain stuff. -CAT

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