Troublemaker- Mithross

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Also this is more of a mature chapter, no smut though

How could the most innocent, angelic, pastel-wearing nerd start dating the punkiest, tattooed-boy that is feared by everyone?

Max's POV

Of course I was sitting in detention on a Friday with the angel of the school, who claims that I purposely pushed him which caused his lunch to stain his baby-blue sweater. So now we're sitting in an empty class, except for me, the teacher, and the angel Ross, who had began staring at me. I, however started doing my homework, even if I am the so-called punk of the school I try my best to get good grades, while keeping my 'strong' figure. The teacher that was watching us who goes by the name of Mr.Smith, a mildly-strict English teacher, my favorite teacher in fact. He is sitting at his desk reading the 5th book of Harry Potter. I myself have never actually read a Harry Potter book, yet I've seen the movies. I peer over at Ross to see him doodling in a journal he brought. I put my notebooks and homework away since I finished it, and look at what Ross is drawing. We're sitting at desks in the middle of the class, him on the right, me on the left. I see an amazing drawing of a cat, and compliment him on it.

"You draw pretty well, I must say."
He looks over at me and flushes red.

"Thanks....that means a lot, especially coming from you."
He looks at me, then back at his drawing. I can tell that he's kind of scared...probably of me. So I reassure him.

"Look....I know I don't look like, or act like a nice person....but trust me I'm not all tattoos and doucheness. Yes, I sometimes throw a few punches at people, but there is always a reason."
He looks at me and I look at him, his mouth curls into a smile, and so does mine.

"Max, I know most people fear you just because they think that all people with tattoos will kick your butt, but I know you aren't a bad person, and sorry I got us in detention....I just thought you would purposely do something like that."
He continues adding detail to his drawing.

"I don't mind...and thank you."
I scoot my chair closer to his and look at his drawing.

Detention lasts about two more hours, in which Ross and I talk about ourselves and other things, he also completes about three more drawings, which all look beautiful. He truly is an artist.


Ross's POV

"That's what you get, fag..."
Cole and his gang laugh at what he called me.

"What are you gonna go cry to mommy??"
Cole makes hand motions for crying, which I can barely see due to the tears and swelling in my eyes.

"You're weak, I don't even understand why you're favorited by so many people."
He points at my arms, which are slowly turning purple in some places.

"Back off Cole."
Cole backs off of pinning me to the lockers, and as soon as he does I drop to the floor.

"Oh yeah, what're you gonna do if I don't?"

"I'll kick your butt, that's what."
I recognize the voice, I just can't figure out who it is.

"Bring it on, troublemaker."

I curl up in a ball as I hear fighting going on. I can tell someone won the fight a few minutes later when I hear some guys run off, and footsteps coming toward me. A hand touches me on the shoulder, which I immediately shake off, afraid of it being Cole.

"It's okay Ross, I'm here."
I open my eyes and see Max crouching down in front of me, I immediately wrap my arms around his neck, afraid to let go.

"Thank you, Max."
We sit there hugging for a few minutes, but what feels like forever, and I never want it to stop.

Of course we have detention....again except this time it's over the weekend, which my parents questioned why I was going to school over the weekend, but I told them it's was some extra credit stuff. I walk to school wearing some black jeans, vans, and a pastel purple sweater. I go to the class where detention is held, of course I see Max sitting there at his 'regular' desk. I walk in and sit down next to Max, there's no teacher for weekend detention, they just have the cameras on. I can see that he's drawing something, I peer over his shoulder and see him It's looks really nice. I don't say anything about because I don't want to embarrass him, but when he finishes he writes underneath it.

Will you go out with me?

He looks up at me, and I look at him.

"Of course!"
I immediately hug him and he hugs me back.

----------SEVEN YEARS LATER----------

"And that's how your father, the troublemaker, and I got together. Now can y'all go to sleep?"

"Ehhh, sure goodnight Dad."
"Goodnight Dad."

Soooo I hope you guys like this, sorry I haven't posted as often as I should or wanted to....and I know this is different then the other chapters, but I wanted to try it. Much love 💙💙💙 -CAT
(Okay who else cried while watching Yuri on Ice episode 12??)

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