I was tagged......again

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So I was tagged by CatCriesALot ......

1. If you had a black cat that could turn into a black dog, what would you do with it? Keep it safe or put it to the public?
I would probably keep it safe.....cause I don't like when people experiment on animals....🐱🐶

2. What would you do with 200 pillows?
I would make a pillow fort =^-^=

3. What would you do if your parents magically disappeared?
Tbh I would probably start breaking stuff.......and this has happened to me before. My parents went to work while I was asleep, then I woke up to an old lady babysitter asking me if I wanted a sandwich....like what?!?

like what?!?

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4. Boyfriend or nah?
I sorta have a boyfriend.....well I have a crush on a boy who likes me back.....

I realllllllly want a Xbox or some hoodies.....

SOOOO YEAH.......ALSO I TAG BACK Cat-tastrophie322 and CatCriesALot
What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?


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