The Move~ Ch. 1

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"[YN]! I NEED HELP WITH THE BOXES!" Your father called out.

"CAN'T MOM DO THEM?" You asked tiredly. What? Maybe you were a little lazy. But come one! Sherlock was on! Who the hell could say no to that?

"NO, [YN], MOM'S HUNTING," was your fathers response.

As soon as he said that, you winced. Yeah, not what you think. Mom doesn't hunt with guns, or anything like that even though it would be bad ass. She hunts with her mouth. Yeah, my mom is a vampire. And guess why dad is human and knows? Because he's a werewolf. He was originally raised in La Push, but moved out when he fell in love with a passing vampire. Well, he imprinted at least. Mom tried to stay away from him, knowing it was too dangerous, but she couldn't seem too. They knew it was a bad idea, since dad would start aging someday, and mom wouldn't. But they decided to have a child. And they expected this child to be a normal human. Why wouldn't I be? But you surprised them.

It was quite funny how they figured out you were a "copy cat." One moment you smelled human, next, your father handed you off to your mom to throw up somewhere else. Yeah, you shape shifted into a vampire version of yourself. You can do that. Shape shift into a vampire version, or werewolf version of yourself. Of course you could also mimic anyone you wanted to.

"[YN], NOW!" Dad yelled.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." You grumbled. See, your dad was in control of his wolf shifting for a while, until you came into his life. Then he became majorly overprotective, and angry at anyone who tried to hurt you. Which resulted in him being immortal again. And your mom....Well, we don't need to go into detail about that. About your aging, you could stop aging and start aging whenever you pleased. However, you couldn't fast forward your age, or force yourself to become younger. It didn't work like that. Kinda a raw deal, huh?


*KNOCK KNOCK* Your groaned as someone knocked on your door. Your feet already hurt enough. You trudged to the door and flung it open only to find an incredibly attractive person. Then you looked up at his eyes, and they looked just like your mothers. Honey gold. And you immediately knew why this guy was here. You shifted from foot to foot.

"Hello." You mumbled.

"Ah, greetings, I was wondering if I could meet your...."

"Mother." You finished for him. He raised his eyebrow in suspicion.

"Do I?" He asked.

"If you're looking for the vampire side of my family, then yes, my mother." I snapped. A small amused smile took place on the boys face.

"And what's the other side of your family? Human? You smell like one." He said. This pissed you off.

"Oh yeah? Let me show you the other half of my family." You jumped and spun so quick, a human eye would miss it. A vampire eye on the other hand, would spot it.

The boy suddenly pinched the bridge of his nose. "You reek." He stated.

"So I'm told by my mother." You laughed silently, and changed into your vampire form with a smile. "Better?" I asked.


~NEXT CHAPTER: "What He Wants"~

SO this is my third x reader book, but I deleted the other ones. One of them was a lemon book....DON'T JUDGE. WE'VE ALL READ ONE. Anyways, hope you like my new story. We'll meet Jacob soon, don't flip out Jacob fans. xD


Word count: 614

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