So Young? Ch. 4

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~~~Wake Up ~ EDEN ~~~        

   Dad, I found my imprint. You whimpered sadly. When your father didn't respond, you knew he wasn't in his wolf form and couldn't hear you. You were tired, and depressed, knowing you had imprinted. You slowed down and gave up. You whimpered on the floor, until a pain filled howl ripped at your throat. You collapsed and continued to whine in your upset state.

You heard some paws slowing, and eventually, coming to a stop. You sighed, already knowing about the different pack stuff. They wouldn't be able to hear you. So with one last burst of energy, you switched back to your human body.

You looked at them, and awkwardly hid behind a boulder, while one of the wolf's attempted whistling. You just giggled slightly until the jet black wolf snarled at the other wolf. They both became silent. 

"I know what you are." You told them. "We can't talk unless you switch back." You stated as you went through your secret stash of clothes, and threw them on.  "But if you don't want to talk, you'll see me around the place anyway. Too small in forks to avoid you guys." You continued as some of them continued to growl. You know, except for the dark silver wolf (Paul. I searched up his actor, and he's married with two kids?! WHEN DID I MISS THIS?! xD)  you were starting to get annoyed with how long this was taking.

You huffed and turned around. "Alright, that's it! I'm leaving now. Good BYE!" You said to them.  You needed to get home and tell your dad about-"Jacob." A voice said. You froze, and turned around. "What?! Where?! Huh?" You cried out. You noticed the black wolf was gone, so you assumed that the man before you was he. The Alpha. You could always single them out easily, your father was the one in your little circle. "You imprinted on him....Didn't you? But that's impossible, you smell human! But I just saw you in a wolf form....What....What's happening?" The man asked. 

You sighed. "First things first. My name [Y/F/N], you are?" You asked with a small smile. "I'm Sam Uley, and these are my pack members. Well, so far at least." You smiled, and sighed. "I would feel more comfortable if you came to my house in human form. Could you change back?" Sam looked at you skeptically and glared. "What makes you think we're going to your house?" He asked. "Well. You obviously want to know what I am....It's hard to explain. Can I just...Show you instead?" You asked. "It would be easier...." You looked all of them in the eyes, unflinching. Sam sighed, and nodded. Gesturing something to the wolves, and suddenly a couple of boys were standing in front of you. 

"Alright...We can walk from here, not too far." You muttered. "What are you? Some kind of monster?" The once dark silver wolf asked you. You rolled your eyes angrily, "Nice to meet you too." You said, venom dripping off of every word. "I'm sorry about Paul....We're all just curious about what you are." "I'm a copy cat." You said with a wicked grin. "A what?" Sam said with a look of surprise. You quickly morphed into a perfect imitation of Sam and said with a grin, "A copy cat." They were all stunned at how even your VOICE sounded like Sam's. 

"R-right. A copy cat." Sam said. "Can you please change back? That's kinda creepy..." A boy said. You turned to him with a smirk. "I know, I look much hotter and less aggressive in my other form, eh?" You said with a smile. You changed back, and kept walking. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP TO YOUR HOUSE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You opened the door, and slammed it shut. "DAD! WE HAVE GUESTS!" You yelled out. You saw all the boys were nervous that your dad would be some mutant monster, and you laughed loudly. They looked at you strangely, but they still had worried faces as they looked out at the hall anxiously. As you had a few thoughts to yourself, you thought about Jacob. He was your everything, and he refused to get out of your head. 

And then your dad. He narrowed his eyes as soon as he saw the boys....Until he smelled them. His eyes widened as he looked at them. "Shifters?" He asked you "Mhm." You responded. They looked at him, and they finally realized what he was. "But...How can you be like that if your mom's hum-" "Who said she was?" You asked angrily. "The boy backed off, but slowly started shaking. "HEY! Watch it." Sam said in a low growl.  "Can they meet mom?" You asked. "For a bit....She might get a slight head ache." "Head...ache?" Sam asked. "MOM!" You called, and suddenly she landed gracefully next to you.

"Hey sweet-" There was a low hiss from the boys, and you took a step towards them, a growl slowly forming in your mouth. "HEY!" Sam barked. Paul backed off, but you didn't. "[Y/N]...." Your dad said in a warning tone. You calmed down and said, "Mom. Vampire. Dad. Werewolf or shifter, imprinted, blah blah blah, BAM! BABY!" You said with jazz hands as everyone stared at you. "What? Just being blunt." You said. "Diet?" Sam asked. "Food, blood, animals." "What do you prefer?" "Human food." "What can you change into?" "I can mimic people, and turn into a wolf, and vampire version of myself." "School?" "Forks." "Cold ones?" "Old friends with my mom." "How old is your family?" You hesitated at that question. "Erm.... we've been a family for a little over 72 years. Not that long, really." You said quietly. They stared at you at that. "How old are you?" They asked. "17." "No, how old are you REALLY?" You stared at the floor. "I just said 72, didn't I?" You said quietly. 

"Are you dangerous?" "Of course not." You said, obviously offended. They huffed. "We'll continue this conversation later. We have to go." Sam hissed. You nodded. Most people didn't like you. You were an abomination. A freak. You were used to this." You sighed and opened the door, letting them out. "Meet us at the cliff tomorrow, at 7 PM sharp." "Got it." You sighed. "Oh, and....Just you." You looked up in surprise, but nodded all the same. "Got it." And with that, you slammed the door. 

"Oh dad?" "Hmm?" Your father said, going back to reading the paper. "Before I forget, I just wanted to tell you that I found my imprint." Both your parents froze when they heard that. You slowly started going upstairs to your room, and closed the door. But you could still here the, "WHAT THE HELL?!" Your dad yelled a couple minutes later.



Word count: 1161

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