It Just Happened ~ 8

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You slammed the door loudly as you entered your house. Your tear streaked face, that once held sadness, now carried obvious anger. "She's mad at me for something I can't control? Hah! What a friend she is...Well I don't need friends! I don't need anyone! I don't scare her? Well don't worry, I will..." You proclaimed loudly. 

You took a pair of scissors and marched up the stairs to the bathroom. You quickly shut the door, and cut a big chunk from your long hair. (I personally have short hair, so just imagine with me here 😂) You watched with satisfaction as your hair fell to the floor. You looked in the mirror and saw the choppy uneven mop of hair. You cut it so it was even, and smirked. 

"Time to go shopping~," You said.

As you drove away, and drove to a clothes shop, you went as far as the Reserve to get an outfit. Or rather a new wardrobe. You quickly parked as you saw a punk rock looking shop and quickly got out. "Who doesn't love a little emo screamo?" (<----My life motto tbh.) you said.

You ran into the shop and quickly grabbed a leather jacket, multiple ripped jeans, a variety of black shirts, and a skull ring. You grabbed a few random things here and there. A wallet chain, black sunglasses, black boots, leather bracelets, and a black beanie. After you were satisfied with your items, you walked up to the cashier. You dumped all your things and you saw the poor boy practically pass out. 

He chuckled nervously as he looked at you. "W-Wow. Not a lot of people stop by here. What's the occasion?" You smirked at his question. "Anger." You responded. "O-Okay." He responded back nervously. You decided that maybe it would be best if you tried to get over Jacob. 

"Hey. How about you and me? Want to get a bite to eat sometime or something?" You asked awkwardly. Even as the words came out, you knew in your heart you asked the wrong person. But if this is what it took...

"H-Huh? Me?" He asked in awe. The more you looked at him, the cuter he seemed to be. He had black wind swept hair, startling blue eyes, and snake bite lip piercing. Cute. But not your Jacob. "Yeah. Me. You. And some restaurant, I don't know." The boy's eyes widened as he looked at you. "Y-Yeah. I'd like that." He mumbled shyly. You smirked as he bagged your items. You quickly grabbed a notepad and wrote your number on it.

As you grabbed your items, you winked at the cashier and got in the car. As you drove away, you felt your werewolf senses tingle. Not with him, they seemed to scream. "Shut up," you mumbled. 


As you made it home, you stormed up the stairs before your parents could see you. As you threw on a pair of ripped jeans and a long black sleeve shirt, you realized how hungry you were. You went down to the kitchen, and stole some food from the fridge. "[Y/N]?" Your dad asked. "Hm?" You responded, still rummaging through the fridge. "Why are you dressed like that?" Your dad asked slowly. "Cuz I can," you mumbled, mouth full of food you couldn't hold in your hands anymore. 

You eventually dumped the food pile on the table and ate. You ate a lot. As you savored every bit, you knew you should take a walk. You were still angry, and you needed to cool down. As you finished your food, you got up and walked to the door. 

As you decided to walk nowhere, you decided to think. In all of my time for living, I've never...Not ONCE ever been a bad kid. I think I should start... You grinned at the thought and came to the conclusion you couldn't wait for school.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP TO SCHOOL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You shoved your books in your tiny locker, and kept the ones you needed. Just because you were to be a bad kid, doesn't mean you can't get good grades! You felt a tap on your shoulder, and you turned. Faced with non other then the oh-so-popular Bella.

"Your highness! It's so great to be graced by your presence this fine morning," You snarled. Bella looked taken aback by your newfound attitude. "[Y/N], what's with this new outfit? You look like a punk rocker, it's weird..." "And you look like a grandma's closet exploded on you and you kept the clothes. Nice chat," You said with a fake smile as you closed your locker and walked away. "[Y/N], I'm just going to say this. This new attitude, is awful. if not for me, most people wouldn't even LIKE you-" You turned around and got close to Bella's face. "Hey princess, listen to me, and listen to me good. I. Don't. Care. See, I thought you would be understanding, since I didn't choose to imprint, but no. It's about you, and YOUR feelings. You don't like Jacob? HAH! I might have a new attitude, but at least I don't have a new LIE." You growled.  "So Bella, stay away from me. Do that and we won't have a problem." You moved away from here and started walking away. "I-I WAS WRONG TO TRUST YOU! I SHOULD HAVE BEEN SCARED!" Bella yelled after you. You turned to look at her and smirked, "Yeah, you should have. Learn from your mistakes." And with that, you walked into your classroom feeling triumphant.

ELLO READERS!! I'm so sorry this took so long. At first I didn't like how this was turning out, until I realized this character development would be important later on. So, here's your long awaited chapter!! 

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