He's Back ~ Ch. 6

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"What are you doing here?" You snarled angrily at the figure. "My, my, my. My dear sweet [YN], is that really the way to talk to your soulmate?" The voice said cockily. "Kaspar....Leave me alone! I moved away from the rain forest for a reason." You growled lowly. Okay. Well. Background time!

Where to begin....Kaspar was indeed your soulmate. Well, he once was. You left because he had his coven of vampires attack your family. He made you kill your best friend, [Y/F/N], and ever since you hated him. Of course, he surrendered. But only because he was the only one left alive. You moved as far away as you could. In a town no one had ever heard of. But here he was. He had found you.

Because of him....You had lost your [Brother/Sister]. You had been so crippled and depressed, not being able to control which form you would take. It was awful. It was terrible. And It was all his fault. "Stay AWAY from me." You snarled. "Ahh. Still not over [YBN/YSN] death? I did what had to be done." He said in a sickly sweet tone. You growled harshly as you stared at him.

Oh how you wanted nothing more then to rip his sorry head off his disgusting body.  "You're a monster! I can't believe I ever loved you! But that's changed." You said a bit smugly. "What...?" Kaspar asked, obviously confused. "I've imprinted on someone else." You stated smugly. "Ugh, I forgot you transformed into a disgusting reeking mutt. I was so used to you being in this stunning vampire form. My dear, your drop dead gorgeous in this body." He said with a snicker at his own little joke. 

You sneered in disgust and backed away. "Leave.  NOW." You hissed through your fangs. You must've been getting angrier then you thought because your fangs only showed up when you felt threatened or hungry. He smirked at you. "My dear, there's only been two occasions I've seen your fangs. When we battled, and that wonderful time in be-" "ENOUGH!" You roared as you pounced on him angrily, ready to rip his head off of his body. 

He sniffed at you while he crinkled his nose in disgust. "My love, your normal sweet scent has been tainted by the smell of a mutt. How utterly disgusting and displeasing." He said. You growled at him and a slow smirk came to his face. "How would you feel if I attacked the pack, eh?" You looked at him furiously and pressed your hand tight against his air wave. "Don't even think about it!" You snarled angrily.

He smiled. "Unless you leave with me, I will attack everyone you hold close to you. I have my ways of figuring out who is important to you. How about your little friends? That Cullen coven. The pack.Oh, your parents! Ah, even better, your imprint?" He said. You felt weak with anger. "Leave all of them OUT OF THIS!" You spat through your teeth angrily. "Then leave with me." He whispered towards your ear.

You knew he wasn't bluffing. You couldn't kill him. No matter what he had done, it was true, he had been your first love. The most important person of your existence. You got three chances for that. One soul mate for your vampire, one for your werewolf, and one for your human form. And sadly, you had picked him for your vampire form. You couldn't kill him, and he knew that. He would kill everyone you cared about here unless you came with him. You held Jacob's picture softly. You turned around abruptly and kissed Jacobs' smiling face on the photograph.

You looked at Kaspar and sighed in defeat. "Alright, I'll go with you..." You said silently. You watched as a smile crept it's way up into Kaspar's lips. The lips you once craved, but now despised. You had kissed those lips. But those lips had tasted [YBN/YSN] blood. Something you would never forgive. He picked you up, and whisked you away.

"So. Who is this imprint of yours, anyway?" Kaspar asked. "Let me visit him one more time." You said softly. "Please. He-" You choked back a sob. "He means everything to me." Kaspar sighed but agreed. "Where is his location?" Kaspar asked you. You grinned as you had a thought. 

"Right by La Push." You responded as a slow plan filled into your mind. "Drop me here," you demanded. Kaspar did as you asked. "But, they're isn't a house," You quickly changed into your werewolf body form and sprinted across a border and grinned. You were free! Well, so you thought.

"My dear, the Cullens made that pact. Not me." His voice sent shivers down your spine. You continued running towards Billy Black's house. You quickly knocked on his door, desperate to see Jacob.

Billy opened the door and made a disgusted face towards you. He hated your family as soon as your dad married your mom. "Billy, I imprinted on your son. I'm about to leave for his safety, and everyone else's safety. Please. Let me see him one last time." You said frantically. As Billy saw the panic and pain in your eyes, he sighed and wheeled back so you could get past him. "Thank you," You breathed out as you sprinted towards Jacob's door.

You raised your fist and slowly stopped yourself from knocking. What were you going to say? You had to leave soon. Kaspar would get impatient. Ugh, why was this so difficult? Hi, I imprinted on you, you probably don't even know what that means, but I did it, and now I'm about to be taken away from you! Were you seriously going to say something like that? But that's insane!

You exhaled loudly as you thought how to speak to Jacob. If he ended up not liking you, well, there goes another soul mate gone wrong! You didn't know what you could possibly do. You took a deep breath as an idea slowly came to your head.

You squeezed your eyes shut as you raised your hand once more, and knocked his bedroom door.

HAH! JUST BECAUSE I SAVE YOU FROM ONE CLIFFHANGER DOESN'T MEAN I WON'T MAKE ANOTHER ONE! xD I'm mean, I'm sorry. You guys want an update again tomorrow?

Next Chapter: Send Help

Word Count: 1052

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