But Why? ~ Ch. 7

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As you knocked the door, you felt your palms become slightly sweaty. As soon as Jacob opened the door, you stared into his eyes, and you knew everything would be okay. "Oh! You're Bella's friend, right? Does she want to meet up or something?" Jacob asked with a grin. You felt a pang of hurt in your chest, but pushed it aside. You took a deep breath, and proclaimed your love.

"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?

Deny thy father and refuse thy name,

Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,

And I'll no longer be a Capulet,

'Tis but thy name that is my enemy:

Thou art thyself , though not a Montague.

What's Montague? It is nor hand nor foot,

Nor arm nor face nor any other part,

Belonging to a man. O be some other name."

Jacob looked at you, stunned. "Is that...Romeo and Juliet?" He asked. You nodded, looking at him hopefully. "Did Bella tell you to recite that to me? Is that from her?" He asked with a huge grin. 

You stared at him with a crest fallen expression and sighed loudly. "I should've known you wouldn't have gotten it..." You mumbled. "That's just as well, I guess. I have to go." You told Jacob. He looked at you, obviously confused. "Wh-What? Wait! You have to tell me what that meant-" But you already started walking away.

~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~

As you and Kaspar ran back to the rain forests, which is where he wanted to take you, you allowed yourself to hate him. Hate everyone. And that's when you decided. Kaspar was your past. Jacob was your here and now. And so you snapped.

You abruptly stopped running and turned the opposite direction and started running home, with faster speed then ever before. You heard Kaspar gaining on you, with a loud growl. You hissed, and stopped running to look at him. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Kaspar growled loudly. "Home." You said simply, glaring at him. "That's not your decision to make, sweetheart." He said with venom dripping from his voice.

"Since when did it become YOURS?!" You yelled as you jumped on him and tried to bite at his neck. He hissed at you and tried to get you off of him, but you were angry. And when you were angry, nothing could stop you. 

You finally pinned his hands as he was hissing, and thrashing madly. "Enjoy." You hissed through your teeth. You bit his neck and injected him with the poison from your fangs, with a grin. You heard him wail in pain as you started tearing him apart limb from limb. "Leave. Me. ALONE!" You growled loudly. 

After you were done tearing his limbs off his body, you ran home. Unknown to you, you forgot an important rule to killing a vampire. You have to burn them.

~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~

As you made it home, a panting mess, you realized no one noticed you were gone. At first, you were relieved. You were glad you didn't have to deal with anyone about your weird disappearance. And then you realized something.

Jacob would want to know why you recited Romeo and Juliet. "Aw man...." you mumbled quietly. "Hm? What was that dear?" Your head snapped up to see your mom, Marjorie. (People wanted names. Want me to change back or change the name? Let me know!) "Wh...Wha? When did I get here?" You asked, obviously confused. 

"You've been standing by the front door for about 20 minutes...Are you okay?" Your mother asked with slight concern in her tone.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just dazed, I suppose." You said. "Do you mind if I go out for a bit?" Your mom looked startled as she looked up at you. "Of course. Just don't be out too late." "Mom. You know I don't get tired." You said with a wink. And with that, you sped out of the house.

~~~~~~~Blah blah blah, time skip.~~~~~~~~~~

You took a deep breath and raised your fist to knock on the door. You knew you had to do this eventually. You knocked, loudly. A man answered the door, and you decided to be formal. "Hello. You must be chief Swan, am I correct?" The man grinned slightly and said, "Yeah that's me. Are you the from that new [L/N] family?" He asked. "That I am. It's nice to meet you, chief swan." "Oh please, call me Charlie." He said awkwardly. You smiled. "Of course. Mr. Charlie." You said with a smile.

Charlie looked slightly dazed. "I assume you came here for a reason other then casual formalities?" Charlie asked. "Actually, yes. Is Bella home? We're friends and I was wondering if I could come talk to her...." Charlie looked startled, but eventually gave you a girn.

"Yes she is. Come on inside, and I'll bring her down." He said as he opened the door wider. "Huh. She has a real friend..." You heard Charlie mumble quietly under his breath. You quickly stiffled a giggle and patiently waited for Bella to come trotting down the stairs.

You soon heard grumpy footsteps come crashing down the stairs. "Look, Jacob, for the last time, I did not tell [YN] to recite that poem for you..." She said while slightly rolling her eyes, until she looked at you. "[YN]?" She asked, with a slight hitch of her breath. "Yup. How's it going Bella?" You asked awkwardly. 

"[YN]! I was so worried! Edward wouldn't tell me if you were mad at me or not, and I felt so bad..." "I'm not mad at you." You said quietly. "I just thought you would be too scared to act normal around me again." You said while eyeing the stairs Charlie went up. It wasn't safe for a civilian like him to listen in on this conversation.

Bella looked startled by your confession. "[YN]...I'm not scared of you. I promise." Bella told you. You let out a loud breath you hadn't realized you had been holding up until now.

"By the way...Did you recite Romeo and Juliet to Jacob? I'm sorry to crush your ship, but I'm with Edward, and-" "I imprinted on Jacob." You blurted out. "You probably don't know what that is. It's a werewolf thing. It's where you lock eyes on a person, and your whole world changes because of it. You love them. In anyway they need a you too. As a mother, a sister, a lover. I could be anything to my imprint. But I....I see Jacob as a lover." You admitted awkwardly. "I recited Romeo and Juliet because....It was my silent confession to him. I had to let him know that I loved him, even if he didn't understand that's what it was." You watched as Bella's some-what friendly demeanor drain away. 

"O-Oh. Well now you know that I'm not scared of you, I think you should leave." Bella said stiffly. Your eyes widened. "Bella, please, I'm sorry but you said it yourself your with Edward,-" "Leave [YN]. Now." Bella said getting angrier by the second. 

You looked at her, obviously hurt, but turned away and walked out the door. As you started to run home in tears of fear you lost your beloved friend for something you couldn't control, You swear you saw a flicker of a certain vampire looking at you sympathetically.


I"M A TERRIBLE AUTHOR I KNOW. I haven't updated in forever, I'm so sorry you guys! I promise I'll be less forgetful. But 1K reads?!?! ARE YOU FLIPPING KIDDING ME?! Thank you guys so much!!!!

Next chapter: It Just Happened

Word count: 1260

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