What Was That? ~ Ch. 10

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I lied. Late update. Just a song to listen to while reading this if you want to listen to something. ^~^


Jacob looked at you with a blank face as you stared at him angrily. "Hm. So you love her, do you? My best friend?" You said with sarcasm. As you were talking, a waitress stealthily placed your tray full of food on the table.

"No, [Y/N], I'm sorry, I didn't mean that-" Jacob tried.

"Leave me and my boyfriend alone." You snarled. You weren't actually that angry, but Jacob said he loved her. That burned you worse then any vampire bite. 

"So he is your boyfriend?" Jacob asked tiredly. "He wasn't lying?"

"Why would that concern you? Of course he is." You snapped. "After all, what does it matter? You're in love with my best friend."

"[Y/N], that just slipped out, I'm so sorry-"

"Hey, dude, I don't know you, but she said go, so go." Cade butted in. He looked pissed. 

"It's not really your place to butt in." Jacob snarled.

"I'm her boyfriend, aren't I? So don't stick around. Why don't you go look for her friend you were talking about? Bella? Man, if she likes you she's got some wacky taste-"

Suddenly Jacob grabbed Cade by the collar of his shirt angrily. "Don't you dare bring her into this. Don't. You. Dare. You don't even know Bella! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" Jacob screamed at Cade.

The restaurant was getting quiet but none of you paid attention to that. Cade suddenly realized the waitress brought your tables food a while back when you were talking to Jacob. As soon as he realized this, he quickly grabbed the Enchiladas he ordered for himself and dumped the contents all over Jacob.

Jacob roared in anger and attempted to punch Cade. Cade braced himself, ready for this punch. 

But they keyword in this situation is "attempted." You quickly intervened and kicked Jacob in the balls. And while he leaned forward in pain, you quickly dropped some cash one the table and grabbed Cade's hand and rushed out the restaurant.

You pulled Cade into your car and stuck the key in ignition as the car revved to life. You saw Jacob stumble out the door and you yearned to run over and kiss him. But you knew that if you were to ever get over him, you shouldn't even talk to him.

You pulled away, and drove away, leaving behind your heart.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You and Cade had been driving home in silence. "So....Did you drive there?" You asked. You looked to the side only to see Cade's face extremely red. "C-Cade? Are you okay? Are you still mad?" You asked, worried.

"No...No, I'm not." Cade responded. You watched as he turned his face to look at you, and he was....Smiling? 

"Cade...?" You asked.

"You called me your boyfriend....I mean, it IS our first date, but still....Dang! I never thought...I thought you saw me as a friend!" Cade said with a light laugh.

You raised your eyebrows. "Cade. I've literally been flirting with you this entire time." You said with a grin as you rolled your eyes.

"I mean, I noticed that but I thought it was just a joke.." Cade said. "Wait, does this mean I can actually be your boyfriend?" Cade asked quietly. He was nervous?

"Well duh. If you want to be." You responded. You felt your werewolf senses tingle, but you thought about Cade shirtless...And let's just say your human hormones got back into drive.

"Of course! Yeah, that'd be great....My emo screamo girlfriend." Cade said out loud. 

"And my emo screamo boyfriend." You responded with a grin.

"Do you like Jacob?" Cade asked you seriously.

"No." You said in what you hoped to be a convincing voice. "I like you, and only you. I promise." Cade smiled in relief.

"I mean, you DID kick him in the balls, so maybe you don't like him." Cade said with a smile. 

After a couple more hours of aimlessly driving around, you finally stopped in front of his house. "Whoah..." You said with your eyes wide open. "You're..."

"Rich?" Cade said with a smile. "Yeah, I guess. My dad's a surgeon, and my moms apart of a very successful law firm. I've dealt with some people who just want me for my money, so I didn't tell you." Cade said with a small smile.

"I wouldn't care if you were going through poverty. You'd still be my Cade." You said with a light smile. You gave him a kiss on the cheek before he entered the house. As you pulled away, you saw a girl with light brown hair, startling blue eyes, thin lips, and she was pretty tall. You watched her stare at you and Cade with a heartbroken stare.

"Cade..?" The girl asked. You watched as Cade whipped towards the voice and looked at the girl. "Maxxie...Hey, let me explain.." Cade said desperately.

"Who's she? And why do you feel the need to explain?" You asked, feeling quite heartbroken yourself. 

"Oh...It's not important..." Cade said quickly, staring at the trees that Maxxine had run through. 

"You know Cade...I thought you were different. I liked you. I thought you liked me, and only me, since I just liked you. I guess you're like every other guy, huh?" You said bitterly.

[Y/N], wait..." Cade tried.

"No, go chase after your little Maxxine. Have fun." And with that, you stepped on the car pedal and sped away.


You were laying face down on your bed as you were sulking. Who was Maxxine? And what was her connection to Cade? Did he like her? 

You felt heartbroken as you considered these ideas. You suddenly heard a knock come from downstairs, so you sadly prodded down the steps and flung open the door.

"Yes, can I help you...?" You asked while sadly looking up. 

The first thing you noticed was that it was raining. Hard. A huge down pour. The second thing you noticed was the person on your porch. Your eyes widened as you looked at the two males on your doorstep.

"Jacob...? Edward...?"


Next chapter: Just Leave

Word count: 1040

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