You Gotta Be Kidding Me ~ Ch. 9

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You sat in your chair, as your class was coming to a close. Right after this would be lunch! And boy were you excited...You had something fun planned after this class, and you couldn't wait. You were tired. The old you wouldn't even CONSIDER falling asleep In class but...This was the new you. You snuggled into your arms, making it quite obvious you were sleeping, and closed your eyes.


"Ms. [L/N]? Care to answer the question on the board?" Your head snapped up in surprise and rubbed your sleepy eyes as you looked at the board. "Answer correctly and no need for a lunch detention." Your teacher smirked.

You idiot,  please, I'm older then you, and I've been taught this lesson a million times...You thought, obviously irritated. 

"Pie multiplied by radius squared." You responded numbly. Your teachers confident smirk fell as some of the kids in the classroom attempted to hide their laughs. "So no lunch detention, yeah? Your fault for having a lack of trust in me." You said as you yawned. 

The bell suddenly rang, cutting off whatever your teachers was about to say, as you got up from your seat and walked out the classroom. You smirked as you saw your teacher glare at you. You were once her favorite student, and you knew it. It was only a matter of time before all your teachers despised you.

It was time for your big plan...You watched as all the students headed towards the cafeteria and you....Turned in the opposite direction, opened a pair of double doors and left school.

That's right.

You were ditching school.

There's a first time for everything, right?  You quickly got out your car keys and unlocked your passenger door. You stepped into your fancy black sports car that you recently purchased, and put the key in the ignition. 

As they car roars to life, you knew exactly where you were headed. You and that cashier had been talking back and forth for a while. Turns out, he's homeschooled. His parents left town for a couple of days, so you decided to grab lunch with him. You also discovered his name was Cade, and you were starting to like him. Your human hormones put a stop to your werewolf instincts as you happened to genuinely like this male. 

You quickly parked your car, and stepped out. Time to see Cade again. You stepped through the doors, and spotted him by himself sitting in a booth. "Hey, Cade!" You said with a grin. The dark haired boy turned around in his position to see who called his name. As soon as he saw you, a smile lit up his face.

"Hey [Y/N]!" He called out to you. He quickly waved you over, and you took a seat across from him. You noticed he became less uptight around you ever since you started texting. Guess he got used to you. 

"So, I've never been here before! You ordered for me, yeah?" You asked. You looked up with eager eyes until you noticed Cade was glaring at you. "Huh? What is it?"

"Don't you have school? I'm so slow! I totally forgot you went to Forks..." He cried out.

"No worries! I just....Skipped class...?" You said while cringing a little, hoping he wouldn't over react.  

"YOU WHAT?" Cade said loudly. 

"Sh, sh, shhh! You'll attract attention!" You said nervously as you quickly scanned the store. Luckily, no one heard you, so you turned your attention back to Cade.

"[Y/N]....Why would you skip class? That will reflect badly on your grades. It will affect your GPA and effect your college classes...." Cade pouted.

"I've been to college enough..." You mumbled quietly. And it was true, you'd attended college a majority of three times.

"What was that?" Cade asked curiously, obviously not hearing what you had said.

"Nothing! I said nothing!" You rushed quickly. You knew you wouldn't be able to stop this conversation unless you made him flustered...Oh wait! "Plus, skipping school is worth it if I get to go on a date with you." You said with a wink. You watched as red quickly took its residency all over Cade's neck and face.

"Th-This is a date?" Cade asked quietly as a small grin found itself on his lips.

"Of course. That's what I thought it was. Wait...Don't tell me I'm about to get friend zoned!" You cried out in fake hurt and panic. 

"Of course I want this to be a date, you emo." Cade laughed, still slightly flustered as he nudged your shoulder.

"Excuse me! But who's working at the emo store where I bought my clothes?" You said with a teasing smile. 

"What??? Defiantly not me or my store. The store I'm employed at sells unicorns and rainbow stickers. They even added the new scratch and sniff feature!" Cade smiled.

You both burst into laughter until you noticed someone tapping your shoulder. You were still grinning until you turned around. The blood quickly drained from your face as your grin faded.

"J-Jacob?" You asked quietly, in shock.

"Hey [Y/N]...Uh, just thought I'd say hi. Thought it was you over here. Would be pretty embarrassing if it wasn't you, though." Jacob said awkwardly as he scratched his neck. "So, uh, Bella didn't ask you to recite that poem for me?" Jacob asked sadly.

Crap, crap, crap, You thought. You felt your werewolf senses tingle, as they longed to latch themselves onto Jacob and never let go. You practically forced them to back off, so you could preserve your attraction to Cade.

"No. She didn't." You said as coldly as possible. 

"Does she ever mention me, or-"

"Me and Bella aren't exactly on speaking terms anymore. So unless you want to say something else to me not involving Bella, why don't you leave me alone?" You snapped. You felt your werewolf senses rage at you. They were screaming, and yelling at you to apologize, but you wouldn't. You bit your tongue, and made sure not to apologize.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to irritate you or something...Uh, who are you sitting with?" Jacob asked, glancing at Cade uncertainly. 

"This is Cade." You said, still a bit miffed with what Jacob wanted to know. Was he finally jealous? Was he starting to return your affections? Your devotion? Your love?

"And what is he to you?" Jacob asked, still staring at Cade.

"He's my-" You began.

"I'm her boyfriend. And who exactly are you?" Cade said. Obviously feeling threatened by this boy. You had never seen him snap at anyone before.

"Boyfriend, eh? Ah. Well, I'm just that guy that's in love with her best friend is all." Jacob said through gritted teeth. He was obviously pretty pissed off at Cade for some reason. Although you couldn't figure it out...

"Ex best friend." You snarled. It was at that moment, Jacob knew....

He fucked up.

HEYO GUYS! Sorry I haven't updated in sooooo long! I decided it was time once I saw we hit over 4K reads. LIKE WHAT THE HECK?! HOW?!  Thank you guys s much for your support, I'm so thankful for each and every one of you, and I hope you appreciate this chapter! Thank you for my fans who patiently await my next chapters. I know it's not easy, but I'll try to update more often and make it was worthwhile as I can.

Love you guys!

Next Chapter: What Was That?

Word count: 1212

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