Chapter 2 : Facing Him

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I really don’t like to interact with people because its anguish me so much. And see here I’m trying to make conversation. My hands are shaking with fear as I approached to him.

I stood behind him... and I only can see his back which is giving me disquiet feeling that made my whole body freeze in my mind. .. i can feel the coldness as I rub my hands a little.

Why he isn't responding..?


And ill-mannered person.

I made a face and then I scold myself for my stupidity.... Idiot you are standing behind him and you are calling him rude..?!! Seriously!

Then I slowly walked further to stand in front him and when i lift my face to see him i lose my sense for a minute.. Because this is not 

What I expecting right now.!!

No....! N, it can't be.

OH god.. why..? .My heart beat racing with each second and my nervousness started to capture me.

I can feel his remorseless eyes on me and his face is turned into emotionless.

I started to rub my palm nervously because if can’t take his judge mental eyes on me.

How could he be judgmental to me when he doesn't know anything..? Then how could in expecting that he wouldn't be judgmental to me..? His eyes shooting me a firing ball that can kill anyone. And I know he is ready to kill me.

My all patience just vanished when those eyes dig a hole into my shattered soul. The way I came here to make a conversation with that customer… everything just got vanished. Right now I’m thinking that if I can hide myself anywhere that he can’t see me at all.

If that girl just made a excuse for me then I shouldn’t have to face him....! I looked at him and here I'm not seeing any sign of recognition that assure me that he recognized me.

I'm just seeing his cold fierce eyes that bring out the hell of me.

I tried to be normal but I can sense that my knees are becoming weak. He watched me from my head to toe and his eyes turned dark for a minute that give me warning sign that he already knew that it was me and he was just trying to confirmed that by bring out me here.

'Juan.' i mentally whispered his name to remind myself that yes it is him and his way of gesture showing me that he is come for recrimination. He is come for me to pay him back for my trahison des clercs.

I took a step back and i saw his mouth dancing.

"You are the chef..?"  His deep husky voice ran through my body that i almost going to fall down. But i composed myself.

I just nodded my head because i have no faith in my voice right now. i just stood silently and nodded to him that yes i'm the chef.

Someone coughed as i took a notice of her... i almost forget that there is someone also sat with him. I turned my eyes to her and observe her a little.

She is blonde with a beautiful face that can make any guy crazy. I felt a hit on my face as i observe her.. In front of her i'm nothing..!

"It's an amazing dish.. The best prawn i have ever eat." the girl spoke sweetly and in a polite manner that i immediately like her. She spoke again. "My brother Juan really liked it." she mentioned him as i looked at him with my corner of eyes. i saw his jaw clenched and his eyes show anger.

"By the way i'm Sarah Karsten, and he is my one and only handsome brother Juan Karsten. And your name?" she asked cheerfully.

I remained silent for a minute but i spoke finally.

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