Chapter 13 : Questions And Suspicions

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I stared at the pen, then at the letter then back at the pen again. Who was this? Who sent me the letter? I did not recognise the writing, but whoever it was, did not mean well. 

The words sent an eerie chill down my spine. Whoever this was, he or she was from my past; a place I did want to visit again, not after I just got Juan back. 

Could I even tell Juan about this? He was still upstairs, totally clueless about the ice slowly spreading through my veins. Would it help if I told him? But I did not want Juan's help again, not after what happened the last time. 

"Who is this, Lati? Who is the letter from?" Naomi asked me, concern washing over her face. 

"I don't know, Naomi. I have no idea who it's from," I replied honestly.

"Do you want to tell Juan about this?" She asked, placing a supportive hand on my arm. 

"I want to, but I can't. He has already done so much for me. The last time he helped me, he was arrested, I don't think I can make him go through all of this again. I just got him back, Naomi," I said, feeling my body trembling like a leaf. Instantly, Naomi pulled me to her, hugging me tightly. 

"It's alright, we'll figure this out. I'm here for you, alright? You don't have to tell Juan anything, I will help you find out who sent this abohrrent message along with the pen, don't worry," Naomi responded, rubbing my back in a soothing manner. 

"Don't have to tell me what?" I froze as I heard Juan behind me. Pulling away from Naomi, I looked at the man who owned my heart standing with his arm crossed across his chest with an eyebrow arched in question. 

"Nothing asshole! Leave her alone. What is between me and Lati is none of your goddamn business, so stay out of it!" Naomi snapped, reverting back to her fierce self. 

"That is where you are mistaken. Latisha is mine, and what is her business automatically makes it my business, so back off before I actually throw you out of my house!" Juan snarled. 

"Oh yeah—" I cut Naomi off. 

"Guys please, stop," I said to the both of them before fixing my eyes on Juan. "Juan, there is no problem. Trust me, it's alright. Everything is fine." 

"Oh really?" Juan stepped forward, eliminating the space between us. "Then look me in the eyes and repeat the same thing," he commanded. 

"Juan." I averted my gaze. "I told you it's nothing." 

"Don't lie to me." Placing a finger on my chin, Juan raised my face until my eyes met his. "Tell me what happened. And this time, I want the truth." 

Sighing deeply, I told him about the pen and the letter that just arrived. Juan listened to me without saying anything. I relayed everything to him within a few seconds, because I did not want to waste time in explaining every little detail. 

"Alright. Come with me," Juan said after I finished telling him everything.

"Where?" I questioned.

Without giving me an answer, Juan grabbed my wrist and led me to the couch in the living room. He made me sit down before sitting down besides me, then turned to face me.

"Now, I want you to tell me everything that happened after I was arrested," he stated, causing me to frown in confusion.

"She is not obliged to tell you anything. I'm her friend and I will help her. Come on Lati, let's get out of here. We'll figure this out ourselves." Before Naomi could grab my hand, Juan's arm shot out, blocking her way.

"Get out of my home, or God help me, I will throw you out." Juan gritted out, glaring at Naomi.

"Please don't fight. Naomi." I turned to face my best friend who looked about ready to murder the love of my life. "Sit down." I told her, frustrated over their constant bickering. 

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