Chapter 14 : Flashbacks

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"I say run!" He yelled.

"What why? Ho----ow I mean what's happening?" I half yelled, half cried.

"If you haven't figured yet, we just stole a shop Pretty Lady."

"We?! I don't even know your name."

"But you helped me steal. Now run before the cops catch us."

He pulled me along with him as the sirens rang and the two of us ran like our lives depended on it. Honestly, I don't even know this guy! His brown hair looked swept by the wind by the time we stopped. I placed both my hands on the knees and tried to inhale better due to the lack of breath.

"You run fast." He said.

"Thanks." I smiled.

Now if you're wondering what happened, I'll tell you. 


"Juan, I know that we're in this together but after today, I don't think I can rush into things. I mean I have to give myself some time."

"I understand and you can take all the time you want." He promised.

"I have decided, I'm going to live with Naomi for a while before things settle down. However I want my brother to stay here." I sighed.

"But why?! You'll be safer here!" Juan protested.

"No, I know that this place is safer but Juan after you went to prison I thought that you would never come back to me. I got used to living without you, without love. Now that you're here, it's too much to take in. If I stay with you all the time it will start suffocating me." I reasoned.

"If that's what you think, then you should stay with Naomi. I really don't mind. Just remind that woman to add a filter to get mouth." He grumbled.

"Don't talk about her like that. She's my best friend!" I scolded.

"Yea yea whatever. Now go she's at the door waiting for you. You guys leave I'll send all your stuff there."

"Fine." I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Uh-huh. I need a full blown make out session." He smirked.

"Well too bad you're not getting it."

"Says who?"

He pushed me roughly against the wall and planted his lips onto mine. The kiss wasn't a normal romantic one. It was rough, fierce and hot. I made the hair on my skin stand. Juan nibbled on my bottom lip asking for entrance and I quickly let him in. His tongue played with mine and a moan escaped my lips.

His lips left my mouth and roamed all over my neck. He nibbled on the skin of my collar bone and I knew that was going to leave a mark. When his hands started squeezing my but, I knew this has to stop. So I pulled away leaving him breathless.

"Bye Juan." I smiled and walked out. 

I sat in Naomi's car along with her on the driver's seat. We drove to her house and the first thing I did as we entered was fall flat on the couch. I was so bloody tired! This whole day has been nothing but exhausting. But I'm thankful for having someone like Naomi. She's the only friend I have but she does so much for me and I don't think I'll ever be able to payback.

"There is absolutely nothing to eat in this house!" I heard Naomi grumble from the kitchen.

"We'll need to hit the supermarket soon." She said.

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