Chapter 15 : Sleep Texting

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My grammar is not that good. So sorry for any mistakes. Hope you will ignore the mistakes and read the chapter.


 Latisha's pov:

I stared at my phone vacuously as my body shaking with a thrilling feeling that I couldn't able to compose my heart beat. Slowly I placed my right hand on my chest to feel the sensation. I don't know why I am feeling so thrilled, but one thing I am sure about that tomorrow will be the longest night.

I breathe out nervously.

One side I was hurt by the person whom I trusted with my life and other side this billionaire, Ryder Blossns is like a mystery to me.

I don't know what to do now. But one thing I am sure that my life can't be a normal again.

My emotional state reached the last limit that I don't know how to react now. My darkness doesn't allow me to feel anything. But I tried. I 

tried to give my life a several chance but I always feel betrayed.

It took me long enough to understand that my darkness has no prospects. It will never see the love that I want in my life; it will never see the freedom that I want in my life. It will always be caged in a box where I will live with a deadly suffocation but I can't die.



Fear of torturing; betrayal.

Those words are the definition of my life.

There is no enthusiasm in my life; No authenticity; No safety; No ecstasy which will make my life a dreamy art that every girl's dreams about when they knew what is love.

For me there is nothing.

No fairy tale for me.

Because i live in dark world.

Juan proved that to me again like i don't deserve anything.

And here i am again trying to put myself in a mysterious feeling with a stranger whom i met just once. I don't know him and yet i said i will see him tomorrow.

What a desperate person i am!

I remember Juan's word when he called me a whore and a desperate slut in front of Aiden. His every words came back to me like sword and stabbing me into pieces.

I don't know why I confess to him and why he couldn't understand me if he truly loves me.



It is the things that he wanted for me that he couldn't wait. But it's not like we didn't did that. I just needed time after that so I asked him to give me time.

Is it too much to ask from him?

My tears rolling down from eyes that I couldn't stop. I again stared at my phone with blur eyes.

My emotion has conflict feeling right now. One side my heart is shattered and other side I am thrilled to meet Ryder Blossns. A conflict between pain and fear make me so much vulnerable.

I am feeling like a pathetic woman. I placed the phone on the side table and wiped my tears. Trying to be strong actually.

Because I don't want to waste my tears on someone who has no feelings for me except SEX.

I am not sex craving whore who will just satisfy him in bed.

But why it is hurting so much?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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