Chapter 8 : Three Months

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Latisha's Pov

Why was he here? What is he gonna do? What else will he do,he is definitely here to do something bad. Seeing me in pain gives him happiness I guess he has turned very evil . The Juan I knew would never do such stuff that this Juan has been doing.

Why have you changed so much Juan? Why don't you just hear me out? I have a reason it may be a selfish one but still I do. If I didn't have my brother I would have surely went to jail without a second thought went to jail. But how could I , I knew the pain of not having anyone I didn't want my brother to suffer the a pain of not having anyone to hold while crying of not having someone to support of not having anyone to share your feeling with.

Juan , he was the person who gave me everything that I ever wanted. But fate or rather destiny took it away was it a sin to be happy and contended even after been raped more than hand countable times.
My thoughts were disturbed by a husky voice of course I knew the owner more than anyone can. But I don't think I knew him anymore. The evil aura he carries along with him the atmosphere becomes cold when he's there it becomes very hard to breathe. You never know what life hold the person who was once the soul reason of my breathing has become the reason I become intimated.

"Hello I'm Juan by the way the owner of the restaurant which you both currently work in if I'm not wrong," Juan said with a teasing smirk. Aiden seemed confused at first bit after skillfully masking it he welcomed him with a smile.

"Please come in sir," Aiden said.

"Just cut the formalities Aiden I have come here to give you some information about your so called girlfriend. It wouldn't be wrong if I say that I knew her a bit personally, I did have been with her and let me tell you as much it would be pleasurable, you would face horrible consequence at the end. Let me tell you one thing Aiden she is a s*x carving wh**e  she'll do anything for sex she was under me the moment I looked at her so Don't waste your time on her she's not that worth it if you insult her today and invite her tomorrow she'll welcome you with open arms or maybe open legs." He laughed.

I never in my worst dream imagined him to be so evil I never expected him to talk so low is this how he thinks about me. Oh my god  the person who I love with all me heart thinks I'm a spineless sl*t. Had I become so low.

Without thinking twice I dashed outside the door without caring that I looked like a beggar. I started walking without caring where I was going and about the tears running down my eyes I could not think anything other than Juan's words .
Juan's world kept replying in my mind.

As much it would be pleasurable,you  would face horrible consequence at the end.

S*x carving wh*re

Anything for s*x

Will welcome you with open arms no open legs

His evil laughter

His teasing smirk

I could not take those words out of my head

I was done I was done with fighting with everyone I was done I was done  I wish I could not feel anything.
I saw a bridge and I knew I had a solution for my problem.


And then

I welcomed my death  .........

Juan's Pov

She ran out without thinking twice and not caring about Aiden's remarks about my remarkable personality. I kept following her she kept walking , suddenly she started running towards the bridge. I felt my self strutting before I could do anything I LOVE YOU JUAN BUT YOU MADE ME HATE MYSELF I LOVES YOU she shouted and Splash she jumped and I jumped after her.


I was waiting outside, Latisha was getting medical help. I couldn't help but pray for her wellbeing.

Her words


Did she still love me then why did she did she not move when I was getting arrested. It was so confusing did she feel what I feel.

The doctor came outside and asked how I was related to her I told that I'm her friend.

He reveled the most shocking news of my life. I knew that Latisha was not well but I thought this was the first suicide attempt but I came to know this was not the first time she has done this. I felt my heart breaking. What had happened to her why has she become so weak.

After advicing me to take good care of her the doctor went I went inside the room to find her crying.

She saw me and started crying more. "Please leave me I'm feeling too much pain, please just let me die or kill me as you desire but please I want to be dead." She cried her heart out.

I felt something sting me seeing her like that but I'm not supposed to feel that I'm supposed to hate her remember Juan she didn't say anything when you were inside the bars she didn't even come to see you I reminded myself .

Without saying a word I walked out of there I sat outside her room after paying the bill. I was responsible for all this I have to deal with this. But how that was the answer that was required but I had no idea about it.

Next day

I felt someone shaking me I wokeup with frustration I saw a nurse standing in front of me. I raised my eyebrows asking her what.

"She wants to see you," she replied. Without replying I went inside there I found her, the girl who took my heart and broke it without a second thought. She was playing with her fingers it was a habit of hers which she would do if  she was nervous. I sat on the chair near her bed.

"I.... I know that you want to punish me in your way isn't it?" she asked it was true though I just nodded my head I wasn't going to lie to make her feel better.

"You want me to feel horrible just way you felt right, do it, I'll do whatever you want you have 3 months time I'll do whatever you want but..." She told but what I asked

"After that you should forget about me and move on you should find a beautiful girl who won't have a horrible past she wouldn't be dirty she would be pure in heart. She would love you and give you everything."

She said I realised that she was comparing herself with an ordinary normal girl . She was everything but normal. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair I felt so frustrated why was she doing this what was she gonna get from this.

"Why are you doing this what will you get from this?" I asked.

"I will be free from the guilt that I have been carrying it's so heavy that it suffocates me it doesn't let me breathe."

"Ok 3 months," I said.

"Ok ...."

I didn't know what to do but I felt I did something right, the guilt I had been carrying felt evaporating I was supposed to hate him for all that he as done but I couldn't; the love which I had for him was killing me to check whether he was fine. How could I not hate him when he hates me to this extent he also loved me once right was his love so weak that hatred took over of that easily. I felt like shouting and crying out loud but I couldn't I wasn't supposed to show my weakness to him . But I didn't deserve happiness he did . And if harassing me and seeing me in pain gave him that I would be more than contented that because of me he could get that. We sat there he staring at me and I playing with my fingers. I could do nothing other than hope that I didn't show my feelings to him in the upcoming 3 months I had no idea what was gonna happen but I wished that after 3 months I wouldn't be broken more


Authors Note

Hey guys I'm sorry it's short I had exams this week that y.

I further nominate Elena_A-Azarov

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