Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It was just an average Friday at Mountain High. I walked into the lobby with Jordan as every other morning. Since me and Jordan lived seconds away he would come and pick me up in the morning since I didn't have my license. He always would pick me up in his silver 2013 Ford 250.

Ever since Jordan's mom, Jenna, got remarried to a guy with a lot of money Jordan got a lot of nice things. His step father, Greg, was always trying to buy his love but I knew that it didn't.

When we got to our usual spot Taylor was already there sitting against the wall. Probably reading another one of her fanfic's about Harry Styles or Demi Lovato. Brittany still road the bus so she didn't get there until almost the bell would ring.

Once the bell rang Jordan and I separated ways and Taylor, Brittany and I walked to out homeroom. Somehow we managed to get into the same homeroom. When I got to my locker I opened it and saw that it had a homecoming ticket in it for Saturday. I saw a note with it so I grabbed it and grabbed my books to get into homeroom. I opened the note and it read


I have finally got the balls to ask you to homecoming. I knew you were planning on buying a ticket there but I decided to get us a couple's ticket. Hope it's ok. So

Will you go to homecoming with me?



I couldn't believe it. Jordan had asked me to homecoming. Taylor looked over at me and saw the look on my face. I mouthed that I would tell her later. The bell ringed to go to first period and I waited on Taylor because we both had pre-calculus.

"Jordan asked me to homecoming" I told Taylor

"No way! I knew thought he would do it" Taylor said in an excited voice.

"Are you going to go to homecoming with him?" Taylor asked.

"Of course. I would be stupid to say no" I said as we sat down into our seats.

"Today class we are going to have a pop quiz" Mrs. Norton practically shouted.

Oh shit a quiz. I had no idea how to do any of it and I was too busy thinking about Jordan now. When Mrs. Norton handed out the quiz it practically looked like a foreign language to me.

As I struggled to the test u couldn't get Jordan out if my mind. I finally finished my quiz and sat back down at my seat after taking it up. I pulled my phone out and hid it under the desk so Mrs. Norton wouldn't see it.

I saw I had a text for Jordan.

Jordan: Did you see it yet

Me: See what. Haha Jk yeah I saw it

Jordan: What do you say

Me: check your locker before third for an answer. Do I still get your jersey this week?

Jordan: ok I will. Hell yeah you do. Check your locker before third period ok?

Me: ok.

Jordan: shit gotta go Mr. Gantz almost caught me with my phone out. Bye Beautiful

Me: bye handsome

I couldn't believe it he had called me beautiful! The hottest guy in the school had just called me pretty.

With the remaining 10 minutes in class I wrote my answer back to Jordan. I would shove it into his messy locker before next period.

I had 5 minutes in between classes so I went over it Jordan's locker and opened it to put the note in. That's when I saw another note addressed to Jordan. I put my note down. I grab the other note and open it.

When I finished reading it I realized it was a note asking Jordan to homecoming from some stupid freshman. I know I was a freshman last year but really. You think you can go to homecoming with one of the hottest guys in school.

No he was mine. Even though we weren't dating everyone knew he was mine. Except for the cheerleaders that would flirt with him after the game even though he would come straight over to me.

I closed his locker and went on with my day. I took the note and threw it away.

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