Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

After practice was over I went home with Austin. The Juniors were staying after to get supplies for senior night. Steve said I could just go home. Austin took Taylor home first. Of course she got to ride shot. When i got home I ran up to my room.

There was a note on my mirror. It was addressed to me. It read


I love you so much that you will never know. You are so beautiful, and don't let anyone tell you different.

Love you forever and always,


I love this boy. He is my everything. I later down on my bed and turned Pandora on. Just then I got a text.

Greg: I just wanted to remind you that the funeral is tomorrow. I wanted to text Jordan but I didn't know how he would relax. The funeral stars at 11am but I want you to come about an hour and a half early

Me: ok. I'll see you then.

I then fell asleep for a couple of minutes. I heard my phone ring. Jordan texted me.

Jordan: Come out to my truck

I didn't argue. I fixed my hair and went outside to his truck. He was sitting in it. I wanted to kiss him threw the open window, but his truck was lifted so I couldn't. I jumped into the other side.

He started the truck up, and pulled out of my drive way. After a couple of minutes I knew where he was going. We pulled into the cemetery, and got out at his fathers grave. It would soon also be home to his mothers grave.

Jordan bent down. I heard him saying somethings. He then got up and pulled me into a hug. He pulled me back towards the truck, and opened my door. I saw a tear drip out of his eye as he closed my door.

It brought me so much pain to see him upset. We didn't talk the whole way home. When I got home there was dinner on the table. Mac and cheese and hot dogs.

I cut up a hot dog and mixed it in with my Mac and Cheese. Jordan and I went to the den where all the children were eating.

We all wouldn't be going to school tomorrow because of Jenna's funeral. The only difference was that Jordan, Austin, and I were going early.

When I finished eating I went upstairs to work on a project. As I started working I got a text.

Dustin: Can you come to the rink?

Me: Why?

Dustin: A certain someone is back from the Marines and I figured you would want to see him.

Me: Be there in like 20 minutes

I went to see if Jordan could take me, but he was in the shower so I decided to ask Austin. As soon as Austin said someone was back from the marines I knew who it was. It was Brandon. He was the son of the owner, and we got close last year.

"Hey Austin! can you drive me over to the rink?"


"Dustin texted me saying that Brandon is back. I don't know how long he will be back for. Pretty please." I said practically jumping up and down.

As I said that Jess looked up from her phone and said "can I go too"

"Jess, just let me take Haley. I'll take you to see him later. Let's go Haley."

Austin and I jumped into his truck. I was so excited. I hadn't talk to him in a while. Brandon and Austin are like best friends. They are always talking.

When we pulled in the parking lot was packed. It was a Monday night skate. I saw Justin's car, but I didn't see my fathers car. I didn't even wait for Austin to park before jumping out, and I ran in.

I ran into the rink and saw Brandon out on the floor in his skates. I ran out and hugged him. I literally pushed him over.

"I've missed you too." Brandon said while laughing

All the non regulars were looking at me like if was crazy. Oh too bad. I didn't care because I hadn't seen him for like 6 months. He left right after he graduated.

I ran back across the floor. Dustin saw me and skated over to the DJ box where I was standing talking to Justin.

"Someone missed Brandon." Justin taunted me.

"Sorry. I did miss him. Is Heather and my dad here?"

"No. They stayed home. The only reason I came was because Dan texted me saying he needed me to come in and DJ. I figured I would bring Dustin because Monday nights usually have some hot girls." Justin said.

"Oh. Well I didn't know because most of the derby girls come on Mondays." I said

My dad had met Heather at derby. My dad is a referee and Heather is a skater. I love roller derby. I always go to the bouts. Most have been a way recently, so I haven't gotten to go.

It also was getting use to having my step-mom be a roller derby girl. I also had to get use to Justin and Dustin being my brothers.

Actually Dustin and I had a thing in 8th grade. I wouldn't say we dated, but we did do coupley things. We slow danced, and kissed. We never officially said anything, but everyone knew.

It was weird when Heather and my father got married. That was originally why we stopped being like that. At first it was weird from going from lovers to siblings. Our parents really never knew, and I would keep it that way.

I knew that he still liked me a lot. I didn't hang out a lot with him because I knew it hurt him. To be honest I still do like him, but I know I can't be with him. It sucked being a rarity.

Raritys are usually very pretty, and drawl the attention of the opposite sex. Some people are jealous of rarity's because the had many lovers. The truth was that you had your heart broken because lover come, and go like seasons do.

I hated to say this, but I knew that I would probably break Jordan's heart too. The only difference with Jordan was that Jordan knew what he was getting himself into.

All the sudden from behind someone was giving me a great big bear hug. I turned around, and it was Brandon. He had taken his skates off.

"Austin. I'm taking Haley out. I'll get her home. Ok?" Brandon told Austin.

"Yeah that's fine. Remember curfew is 12am."

"I'll have her home by then."

With that Brandon walked out, and I followed him out to his car. I always hated riding with him. He was a speed demon, and his driving scared me.

Last year Brandon took me to his senior prom. He said there was no one else he would want to spend the night with, and he kissed me. The next day I found out he had left for boot camp that morning.

I didn't talk to him for a while, and when I did he just made me so upset. He told me he never wanted to hurt me, but he also said that he was an ass. I would never go that far. He is an amazing person.

I still had a thing for him. He is a sweet guy, but he deserves someone better. I wondered where he was taking me. As he turned onto a street I knew exactly where we were going.

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