Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I was down in the library until I heard most if the boys left. When I went upstairs only the Juniors were left. They were working on planning Senior night that was Friday. Of course I would be there. Austin, Zach, and Alexis would be going out on senior night.

My mom and Steve will be going out with Zach. My dad and Heather will be going out with Alexis. Jordan and I will be going out with Austin. The original plan was for me and Jenna, but that can't happen now. I was okay with going out with Austin because he was my favorite brother.

Yeah I'm close with Alexis, but she is insanely popular and can be a jerk. Zach is the same way. Austin is really the only one who I hang out with. Austin always gives me a ride if Jordan can't.

As I went and sat my plate in the sink Jordan got up and came over to me. He slide his arms around me. I put my head in his shoulder. The rest of the Juniors just looked at us.

"I'll be right back you keep on planning." Jordan told his fellow Juniors.

Jordan pulled me upstairs and as soon as we got upstairs he laid a kiss in me.

"I've been wanting to do that for the past 3 hours." Jordan whispered to me.

I looked at the clock and it said 6:35. I hoped I didn't have any homework because I would get points off.

I looked into Jordan's eyes and got lost. I stood on my ties to try to reach him. We kissed for a couple of minutes then he broke off and ran downstairs. I decided to jump in the show then lay on my bed.

Around 7:30 all of the Juniors had finally left except for Jordan. I heard him run up to my room. I was just laying on my bed. He came and decided to lay on top of me.

"Get you fast ass of me. You are like an elephant." I said while trying to push him off.

He just laid there laughing. He really was my better half. I loved him with all my heart.

He finally decided to get up off me, and closed the door. That was okay with me. He came over and kissed me. He pulled me down on the bed.

I couldn't stop kissing him. I started to pull his shirt off, but he got up. Did I do something wrong?

"I love you" Jordan said

"I love you too"

I guess he say the look in my face.

"I don't want to mess up what we have going on. I really do love you."

Jordan got up and gave me one last kiss. He then went into the guest room. I heard the shower start.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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