Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

When I got home no one was home except me. I started to get ready for the football game. I curled my hair and put some new make up on. I went downstairs and texted my mom to see if I should eat dinner since my mom was working late and my step father, Steve, is the head coach of the football team.

My mom told me to just go ahead and eat dinner. I didn't have to worry about my sibling because they are seniors. I don't talk about my siblings much. They are fraternal triplets. Two boys and one girl. My brothers Austin and Zach are football stars at our school. They already have had offers from D1 colleges. My sister Alexis is an average cheerleader.

I'm the odd one as they call me. Im smart and I play field hockey. It's been hard coming in to high school because everyone one associates me to them. We really don't talk. At school they act like they don't know me and they are barley at home.

I grabbed the leftover pizza out from the fridge. I heated up the oven and put the pizza in. I left it in for like 15 minutes while finishing my hair. Once I was done with my hair I pulled it out and started eating and turned on local news. Of course they were talking about the upcoming game tonight.

It was the biggest game of the season. Mountain High vs. Steel High. Steel High is are biggest rivals and I knew this would be a tough game. Our football team was 6-0 but Steel High was close with a 5-1 record.

As I finished up my pizza I got a text from my father. My real father not the asshole I am forced to call dad when he married my mom last year.

Dad: You going to the game tonight

Me: Hell yes I wouldn't miss it for the world. Are you going?

Dad: I wish but I have to work. Some college recruiters will be there for your brothers again.

Me: Oh that sucks. When aren't college recruiters there for them though?

Dad: Good point. Is your mother going?

Me: I'm not sure because she has to work late but I think Jess and Marie are going.

Dad: Oh ok. Have fun let me know the score. Bye.

Me: Ok I will. Bye.

Jess and Marie are my slutty freshman step-sisters. No one really knows we are step-sisters. Actually the reason I got really mad at the homecoming note to Jordan was because it was from Jess. I knew they were going to be at the football game wearing some senior's jersey because that's how they are. It kind of pissed me off.

At 5:40 Taylor and her sister, Lexy, came and picked me up to go to the game. We were going so early because she was picked for the homecoming court. Jordan was also picked for the homecoming court too so I wanted to go early. I had put Jordan's jersey on before I left the house.

"Hey" I said as getting into Lexy's car.

"Nice jersey" Taylor joked

"Thanks. I know right. You look so pretty tonight"

"I know I always do. I got to pick up the boys if I am a rarity."

"I am starting to think you are a rarity. That slutty personality is coming out." I said sarcastically.

"You are so funny."

All of the homecoming court met at the high school and then would go over to the football field. I went with Taylor because she could take one person with her and I could have an excuse to see Jordan. The only thing is then I would end up seeing my siblings including my step-sisters.

When I went in with Taylor I saw Jordan right away and went over.


"Hey beautiful"

Jordan then pulled me close and kissed me. It seemed like the whole room stopped and looked. One girl ended up with her mouth open. I looked over to see Jess and Marie looking pissed. I just had to laugh. That's when Austin and Zach walked over and put a hand on Jordan and pulled him away for a moment.

I bet they were having the same talk they had with Gabriel. The don't break her heart or I will beat you up talk. My brothers may act like they don't care about me, but deep down they do.

After everyone was accounted for we walked down to the football field. I stepped off and everyone went out. Austin and Alexis won homecoming king and queen. I thought it was pretty gross to have to dance with your sibling at homecoming.

After that the game started. At football games Taylor and me always walk around. We usually stop at the marching band and talk to them since we know most of them.

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