Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The party was going good. As soon as I got in the house I ran upstairs and locked my door. I didn't want anyone getting into my room.

I got pretty bored fast. Taylor and Austin were in the corner doing who knows what. I really didn't want to know. Jordan and Jess had been making out. That pissed me off I was sitting on the coach on my phone when Barr came over.

"Why aren't you having fun?"

"Austin and Taylor are in the corner. Jess and Jordan are making out and I have no one." I said.

Barr jumped on the couch next to me and said "you always have me."

"I'm glad I at least have you." I said smiling.

"You always will." He grabbed my phone and ran. He ran down to the library, and tried closing the door on me. Luckily he didn't have time to.

He put the phone up on a shelf I couldn't reach.

"What was that for?"

"I wanted to get that thing away from you. I also didn't want you to see Jee's post."

A tear dripped out of my eye. Barr came over and gave me a hug. Barr was giant. He was 6'6 and over 230 lbs. he knew I was crying hard. He tilted my chin up, so I would look at him.

"Don't worry about what that Jackass is doing with Jess. He is trying to make you jealous, and it obviously working."

I cried more. Barr sat down, and pulled me into his lap. I was balling my eyes out. I remembers that I had something for Barr.

"I'll be right back."

I ran upstairs I had just remembered about some stupid promise we had. I grabbed a box from under my bed. I grabbed something out if it and ran back down stairs.

"What do you I have?" he asked

"Remember what feels like forever ago when we were into making those stupid keychains. We made a deal that I would give this back to you your senior year. Well it's your senior year."

"I forgot about this."

He went outed the library. He went down the wing opposite from the wing I lived in. It was The wing Jess, Marie, and Alexis lived in. I knew what he was doing.

He stormed into Jess's room. Where of course Jordan and Jess were having sex. Barr grabbed Jordan and threw him to the ground.

"Listen you little shit you are being a dick head. Stop doing this stuff to make Haley jealous. She doesn't deserve an ass like you."

After Barr go up he stole Jordan's clothes and put them in the kitchen, and stole the blanket from Jess. She squealed like a little girl.

Barr stormed out, and I followed him. Barr went into my room.

"What the hell Barr..." he cut me off in the middle of my sentence. He turned around and kissed me. He put his arms around my waste. He pulled away, and started to leave.

I grabbed his arm, and turned him around. I reached up, and kissed him again. He pulled away smiling.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that." Barr said.

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