Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"How dare you. You little city ass bastard. You think you're better than me because you have money. That ain't true. Leave me the fuck alone. I can do what ever I want." I screamed

"Haley don't you dare" Barr screamed.

I pulled back, and was about to swing. Before I could Barr had his hand on my arm restraining me. Barr must have heard what Gabriel said.

"Let me take care of this bastard."

Before I could do anything Barr grabbed Gabriel, and threw him on his ass.

"Don't you ever dare say any of the stuff you just did. I'll give you someone to call a sleaze ball. You're lucky that I didn't beat the shit out of you right here. Don't you every disrespect a woman again. Got me."

Barr turned around, and grabbed another bud. He went off somewhere. I didn't see where he went. I went to the coolers, and this time I grabbed a bud.

I decided to go find him. I looked everywhere, and I didn't see him. The only place I could think of was maybe the bed of his truck.

"Are you okay?" I said when I saw Barr in the bed of his truck.

"Come here baby."

I climbed up into the back of the truck with Barr. He grabbed me in his arms. I knew he was mad, and just wanted to protect me.

"I just couldn't believe he would say something like that to you. He really is a douche."

"Don't get your self in trouble for someone that doesn't matter. He is just an ass. Don't worry about him."

"I see you have resorted back to drinking." Barr said as I finished off my beer.

"Yes. I just wanted something to drink, and beer sounded the best."

He leaned in, and he gave me a sweet kiss. When we broke away I put my head on his chest, and looked up at the stars. I could spend the whole night like this.

At 10:30 we decided to leave. I had my first summer club practice tomorrow. I was so excited to be playing again. Field hockey wasn't really big in Texas. I usually have to travel to the east coast for tournaments.

This year I would be trying out for the junior national team. Try outs were in late august I'm Lancaster, Pa at spooky nook aka the home of field hockey. I was so excited.

We said our good byes and left. On the way home I just looked at the window.

"We are here." Barr said

"This isn't my house."

"I know just come with me."

"If I'm out past curfew I'm dead."

"Blame it on me just come on."

I got out of the truck, and met him at the front of the truck. I realized that we were at his farm. He led me I one of the barns.

"Close your eyes." He said as he led me into the barn.

I kept my eyes closed until he said to open them.

"Open your eyes."

When I opened my eyes. He had "Prom" written out in lights.

"You didn't think I would ask you like I did Friday. Anyway, will you go to prom with me?"

"I already told you yes, and I'll say it again Hell yes."

"Good. This is how I was planning on asking you, but when Austin told me Taylor was going dress shopping yesterday. I decided to ask you in a stupid way, so you could go shopping."

He pulled me in by my waist, and kissed me. We kissed for a while. When he pulled away I looked at the time.

"Oh shit it 11:53. I gotta get home. The alarm turns on at 12."

We ran to his truck and drove down the drive way. I decided to call Austin.

After what felt for forever he finically answered.

"Austin I'm going to be Adele minutes late coming in. Can you go open the front door so the alarm can't turn on. Pretty please. Please. Please."

"Okay I wills but you will have to do something in return."

"Okay I don't care what it is. Just stay by the door so Jess or someone won't close it."

"Okay" he said as I was pulling into the driveway.

I kissed Barr good bye, and ran for the house. I saw Austin standing by the door when I got in. Austin closed and locked the door turning the alarm on. Austin then pulled me to his room.

"I don't want to know what you and Barr were doing. Jess isn't home either. A couple of hours ago Steve started yelling at her, and she ran. I think you should go talk to Marie about it."

"Whatever. I will, but you better bee thanking me."

I left Austin's room, and went to Marie's. I knocked on the door.

"Marie please let me in."

She unlocked the door, and I went in. I haven't been in her room for a while. Marie and I really didn't talk. She was very quiet, and nothing like Jess. You would never know that they are twins.

"Do to know what's going on with Jess?"

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