Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

I opened my locker, and some balloons fell out. They read "prom?" "I love you"

"Will you go to prom with me?." I had streamers all over my locker. I pulled out my phone, and called him.

"Was that really needed?"

"I just wanted a fun way to ask you to prom. I'll see you in a few minutes. Bye"


"Wow. I can't believe that's how he asked you." Taylor said

It was the end of the year. Almost. It was the end of April. Not much had happened in the last few months. Taylor and Austin were still together and going strong. Maybe it was because they found out that Taylor and Austin were soul mates.

Austin had been accepted at Oregon with the Ducks on a Football and basketball scholarship. My parents were proud of him. Zach had been accepted to Michigan State on a Football and wrestling scholarship. Alexis had been accepted for cheerleading at Penn State.

Barr had many offerings. He looked at his choices and chose the right one for him. He accepted a full scholarship to Alabama.

Everyone was leaving. This was going to be a hard year for me. Not only my siblings and boyfriend were graduating, but some of my friends were. I would soon be going home to a quiet house. I use to say I couldn't wait, but now I don't want them to leave. Not all at once.

As I hopped into Barr's truck I waved bye to Taylor. I would be seeing her later. We were going dress shopping on this Friday night. Taylor would be driving us because she just got her. license recently.

"Hey babe." Barr said as I got into the truck.

"Hey you." I said as I leaned over to kiss him.

"Do you have an answer?"

"Taylor and I are going shopping tonight for dresses."

"Is that a yes?"

"It's a hell yes."

"Good." He said as he grabbed my hand.

I smiled. He was taking me back home. Barr got out early because he was a senior, and had an early out. He always came back and got me. The only time he didn't was when he had went to your campuses.

I was the happiest that I had been in years. You may be wondering what happened to Jordan. He got caught selling drugs in January. He is going to a private school now. We no longer talk.

At first it was like I was missing something. I have learned to get use to him not being there, but I still missed him. No, I didn't miss him. I missed our memories, and all of the times we hung out. Most of all I missed Jenna.

For me I haven't done anything really. I have just done my thing. I went to some field hockey stuff. I have college coaches looking at me. Even though I have turned 16 my charm has yet to be warm or cold. It just sits there on my neck useless.

I talked to my grandmother, and she said her charm was the same way.

Barr pulled into my drive way. He leaned over, and kissed me. As I got out I said

"I love you."

"I love you too" he said

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