Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I woke up the next morning with two texts. One from Jordan and one from Taylor.

Jordan: I already left. I'm not sure if I will be going to homecoming but I still want you to go.

Taylor: I'm going to come over and we are going to make you look hot for Jordan.

Me: I don't think Jordan is going

Taylor: What happened?

Me: His mother had an accident. I'll tell you more when you get here.

Taylor: Ok I'll talk to you later I have some big news.

Me: Bye. See you at 5.

I still was having a hard time dealing with Jenna's death. Jenna would want me to go to homecoming and have a good time. Before she had Abby I was like the little girl she never had.

A lot if things had changed in the two years after she married Greg. Thing were a lot different after she even first met Greg. I think he was abusive to her.

One day I went over like I normally would without letting anyone know. When Austin dropped me off I saw Jenna's car in the drive way, so u just went in. I don't think they heard me come in.

I hear a lot of slamming doors and screaming. The last thing I remembered before I left was Jenna begging him to not hurt her. Lucky Austin was still in the drive way and I got back into his car.

I told him that Jordan wasn't home. Which was the truth but not completely. When I went back later that night I acted like I hadn't heard anything. I also noticed that Greg was being very lovey. Almost to try to make up for abusing her.

I just pushed the bad thoughts out of my mind. I just couldn't help thinking about it.

"Austin, Zach, Alexis, Haley, Jess, and Marie get into my office." My ass of a stepfather called.

My room was the farthest away so I was last in as usual.

"We need to do something to send a note of sorrow to Greg for his loss. What do you think we should do?"

Immediately Jess and Marie had their ideas and started blurting them out. On the inside they were probably saying that they would seduce Jordan to make him feel better.

Everyone had ideas except for Austin and I. Austin and it were the closest with Jordan and Jenna. We knew that there was nothing that we could do that would cheer Jordan up.

"Why don't we help throw the funeral for agree so he has some support." Steve suggested.

Everyone said that was fine except for Austin and I. We didn't say anything. Steve dismissed up and I went up to my own private bathroom to start to get ready for homecoming.

I didn't expect Jordan to go, but that was okay because his mother had just passed on. In the shower I started to cry. Ever since my mom got remarried to Steve I have been ignored by her. Jenna really became more of a mom to me then my own mother.

My mother hasn't even asked how I am taking Jenna's death. Now Steve is being even more of an ass than normal. He acts like it's no big deal, but I'm dying.

When I got out of the shower I towel dried my hair and then blow dried it. I knew that Taylor would be comber any minute so I got all of the hot tools ready. I pulled out make up and even stole some from Alexis, but she didn't care.

Taylor finally walked into my room and smiled. As soon as she got in we started working on her hair.

"I have some major news to tell you" Taylor said with excitement.

"Tell me. Don't keep me wait I must know. " I begged her to tell me.

"Austin asked me to homecoming."

"What?!?! That's so great. He talked about asking someone, but I didn't know who it was."

"Yeah. Apparently he really likes me, but who doesn't."

"That's great!" I was so happy for her.

"So what happened with Austin's mom."

I explained everything to her. I started after she left.

Talkative Taylor was speechless. I finished her hair in silence, and then she moved onto my hair. Halfway three my hair. Jess ran into my room guns a blazing.

"WHY DID YOU STEAL MY MAKE UP?" She screamed at me

"I didn't take any of your makeup. I borrowed Alexis's and she gave me permission. Why don't you ask Marie instead if blaming me."

"Whatever you are such a slut." Marie said slamming my door in the way out.

I just couldn't believe it. Jess is always blaming things on me that I didn't. The same story every time. When something goes missing you thinks it's me, but it turns out to be Marie.

The look Taylor had on her face was priceless. Like a holy shit what just happened.

"This happens like twice a week." I said casually.

"Why don't you do anything about it?"

"Would I dare to mess with the slutty ass princess. Hell no. Especially when her dad acts like she is. I'm just going to say a fight."

"Yeah. One day you should just beat her ass up."

"One day I will but that day isn't today."

Taylor finished up my hair, and she started on my make up. She would do hers too because I'm not great at makeup.

Once she was done I looked into the mirror. She made me look so pretty, and that was hard because I'm a country girl and don't wear makeup everyday. I only wish Jordan could see me. I went into the bathroom to change while Taylor got changed in my room.

When we were done we hung out for a couple of minutes.

"Haley there is someone down here for you. Austin yelled up

I looked at the time and realized that all my siblings dates were starting to arrive. Taylor and I went down. As I was going down the stairs I saw him.

I didn't care anymore. I dashed down the stairs and jumped into his arms. He was all dressed up and looked amazing.

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