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Madison hasn't seen Corey in a while. Sure, she knows he gets on the same train as her, but recently his popular year ten friends have been sitting with him on the end carriage, and she has ensured that her friends Jess and Liv (Daisy moved to Australia in year eight) stay well away from him.

He sometimes laughs at her as she passes him on the platform, but she has managed to stay pretty much clear of the bully since the incident in year seven. And regardless, she is fourteen now- she can deal with him and his stupid haircut and expensive Nike trainers.

Their long separation only makes it more of a shock when she hears his voice ringing out across the park opposite her house, where she is sitting in a tree to revise for an upcoming French test.

"Hey look! If it isn't baby Madison! Nah... I'm only joking. You're not that bad any more, you know."

Corey approaches her with his signature obnoxious confidence. She sneers at him, before returning to her work, but still feels that something has changed about him. Without his friends around, he isn't making fun of her immediately like he used to. It must be a trick, she tells herself, he's just itching to make fun of me.

"Look, Mads, I need to tell you something. You know, about all the money you've suddenly come into. You're not as poor as you used to be am I right?"

Madison nods reluctantly, confused. Sure, her mum has got a new job working night shifts lately, but what does that have to do with Corey? How did he know anyway?

"I would have told you earlier, but you were too young mate. Your mum's not telling you much about what she's been doing eh? Does she argue with your dad a lot?"

Madison nods again, with no idea what is going on. Corey turns to leave, a grin flickering on his face. She thinks that he is about to leave without telling her what's happening, but when he gets a few metres away from her, he turns back.

"Your mum's just a prozzie Mads. You know what that means don't you? She's a filthy prostitute- that's what's been paying for all your new clothes. Just thought I'd tell ya mate."

Corey Mulligan, The Heart Thief - A Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now