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Karen replies to Madison's text almost instantly with a concerned  'YES XXX R U OK MADS?' She doesn't know what to reply to her closest friend, feeling tears rising to her eyes just with the thought of  all the things she has on her mind.

Corey is in the bedroom, from the sounds of it wanking off to some gross videos, probably secret ones he took of the two of them some time recently. She feels sick to her stomach. But she pushes away the sickness and covers it with the excitement of seeing her best friend for the first time in ages. She grins as they organise times and places to meet. She plans to wear her favourite yellow dress, one that Corey doesn't like her in as it's 'too short and childish'. She giggles to herself when she realises how happy it makes her feel to do things Corey doesn't usually let her do.

"Mads who are you texting?"

Corey emerges from the bedroom, looking flustered and red. He wipes his hands on the back of his tracksuit trousers and paces towards her with his eyes looking crosser and crosser by the second. She tells him she's talking to Karen, because it's true, and that they are going out to the club tonight to catch up, because that's also true.

"I don't believe you. Show me your phone."

No. Why would he ask that? Doesn't he trust me? What's up with him? The grin dissolves from the poor girl's face and she holds her phone to her chest.

"Why would I be lying to you? What, do you think I'm cheating? Why the hell would I do that?"

He growls, bearing down on her, before placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. She fights the urge to shrink away from him, knowing what his unwashed hands have been touching and doing.

"Darling, trust me. I just want to keep you safe yeah? I don't want you in the club tonight even if Karen is there. There are always men there and I want to protect you from them love. Believe me."

He retracts his hand, returning to the bedroom without another look or word. Madison stares at the ceiling as her previous excitement flares up in flames inside her chest.

"Believe me, Corey. Fucking believe me..." she breathes.

Corey Mulligan, The Heart Thief - A Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now