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When, a day later, Madison returns from a night of studying and revision back at Karen's dorm, she hears stage noises eminating from the bedroom, the door of which is ever so slightly ajar.

Sexual moans and wails of pleasure make her heart stop, and for a second she thinks there is someone else in there having sex with Corey, but then she recognises a tinny quality to the sound.

It must be coming from a phone or some kind of speaker. He's watching porn? That's gross, but that's just what men do isn't it?

Madison's mum never talked to her about boys. She never had more than the usual sex ed at school, and had never had a boyfriend before Corey. She knows very little about men, or at least not enough to know for sure whether watching porn is a usual think for men to do.

She hears something that confuses her when she reaches the door, listening in to what her boyfriend is doing. She hears moans, yes, but for some reason she recognises them. She hasn't watches porn before to her knowledge-     how can she have heard them before?


That was her- it's definitely her voice, Madison recognises it. How does Corey have a video of them having sex? Did he record them? Has he got a stash somewhere of all their sessions? What the fuck!

Madison feels slightly nauseous when she hears Corey let out a soft moan, and the speaker suddenly cuts off. Madison rushes silently into the kitchen, where she busiest herself making a cup of tea in the kitchen.

When Corey exits the dark bedroom moments later, red faced and sweating, Madison avoids his eyes. She feels sick, just at the thought of him taking videos of her without her permission. Of him jerking off or watching porn in the first place, especially so conspicuously.

She wants to pick him up on it, but after the argument the day before, Madison decides that it would probably be better to leave it, at least for now.

To stay on his good side.

Corey Mulligan, The Heart Thief - A Short StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant