Chapter 3

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I woke up that morning feeling ready for anything. I had promised Lilly that I'd be at the park today. Of course I was to keep my promise - I wouldn't have it any other way! I entered the kitchen for a quick breakfast of sausage and scrambled eggs. "What kind of eggs and sausage are these?" I asked as I ate.

"The sausage is grumpig and the eggs are those of a blaziken," She replied.

"Mm... Blaziken's always the best," After finishing breakfast, I made for the door, but not before being stopped by Lucy.

"Well, where are you going so early?" I stopped in my path and turned around.

"Just to the park! I may be a while!" I answered. She was good at detecting aura and the subtlest of emotions. I turned around to start back towards the door.

"Wait..." She was too good. "Does this happen to have anything to do with a girl?"

I couldn't lie. I don't tend to lie. "M... Maybe..." So it was revealed.

She looked at me slyly. "Oh, what's her name?" She teased. She knew how to get to me like that.

"L-lilly..." answered.

"Oh, okay!" I stood there impatiently, which she also detected. "Go get 'er, Leo!"

I didn't know exactly how to react to that. "O... Okay..." I finally responded as I slipped through the door.

I hurried to the park to find Lilly sitting on the same bench as yesterday. She was sitting with the same relaxed posture, waiting for me.

The second meeting with anyone is always more comfortable than the first. This was no exception. I was much more at ease, in spite of myself yesterday! The dark fell upon the city and I had to return home. I walked Lilly back home once again. This we repeated for a week. One day at the end of this week, I was surprised to find Lucy standing to my right while I sat with Lilly.

"Leo, I need you home in about 15 minutes. We've got a mission and I need you to come with me, okay?" She requested.

"Okay!" I wouldn't normally deny a mission request and this time was no different.

"Wait, a mission?" Lilly asked.

Lucy turned her attention to her. "Yes, would you like to come with us?" Lilly jumped from her seat in excitement. This wasn't unlike mother at all. She was always looking for more recruits. It didn't matter who.

"Yes, I would!" She could barely contain her enthusiasm that came with her response.

"Now, you're going to have to ask your parents permission to go into a dungeon. I'm sure they wouldn't want any strangers taking you away into some dungeon!" It only made sense that she would have to ask her parents.

"Okay! I'll go do that right now! I'll meet you on the road back. You do pass my house on the way to yours, right?" She asked.

"Well, if you live less than half of a mile that way, yes" She replied, pointing towards our house.

"Right! Alright! I'll meet you on the road back!" She finished excitedly, running off.

We were about half way from the park to Lilly's house when we saw her rushing back to us, somewhat out of breath. A pokémon needs stamina to challenge a dungeon, but she had been running twice as fast as our jog and only seemed lightly out of breath, so that was a good sign! "What's your team name and who all will be coming with us?" She asked. "Dad wanted to know"

"We're Team Aura Guardians. And it will be only us three" Lucy replied.

Lilly's eyes widened a bit. "Do you mean... The region-famous Team Aura Guardians, or am I thinking of another team?" She was very surprised at this.

Tempian Tales: Team Aura Guardians - First EditionWhere stories live. Discover now