Chapter 5

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As the time passed, I noticed that I was gradually spending more and more time with Lilly and less time on my regular practices. She was already a part of my life, but I didn't want her to become my whole life and my only obsession. She would always be a part, though. Maybe a fifth. That was a lot, by the way. I sat thinking this over in my bed one morning. It was about two weeks after I'd met her.

I shrugged these thoughts away. I decided that it was best just to let life happen. Whatever happens.

I slid out of bed ready for another day with Lilly. I'd been planning something big for today! I swung open the door to the hallway. I ran through the hall into the living room. To the left was the kitchen where my breakfast was waiting.

I rounded the corner and jumped into my chair just as I would every morning, but I wasn't met by breakfast. There was a note.


I'm out today visiting your uncle Xatu at Crater Canyon. I know that you understand why I didn't bring you along. Much too high level pokémon. I left 1500 poké for you and Lilly. I made pancakes and they're in the oven to keep them warm. Also, West Street is under construction, so stay away from it.

Love you,

I smiled. As she said, there were three five-hundred poké bills. I retrieved my pancakes from the oven. As she said, the pancakes were still warm. The oven did not fail in retaining heat.

The pancakes were halfway cooked, which is exactly how I like them - slightly raw. To me, they're best when they're still a little gooey and flavorful. It tasted a little more like plain soft bread when it was fully cooked. The syrup made them even better. Syrup makes anything better.

Once I was done, I licked my plate clean of syrup and put it in the sink. I was only allowed to lick my plate when I was at home and it was just us two there. I ran the water over the plate for a second so the little remaining syrup wouldn't stick to the plate. I then quickly shut off the water. There was no need to use any more water that necessary. Since Lucy wasn't home, I took a quick swig directly from the syrup bottle before I left the kitchen.

I rounded the corner from the kitchen into the living room. I raced from the living room to the hall. From the hall I turned the corner into the bathroom.

I began my morning routine with brushing my teeth, making sure to turn off the water when I didn't need it. After, I caught a smell of myself. Deodorant couldn't save me now. I really needed a shower, which I neglected to take the night before.

I stepped into the shower and slid the curtain closed. I set the dial to warm before I pulled the lever down to turn the shower on.

I let myself soak a bit. I loved the warm water running down my body. I didn't take my time. I lathered my fur with the sitrus berry furwash and rinsed it off. When I stepped out of the shower and dried my body, my fur was in dire need of a combing. So, I combed my fur. I needed to be presentable today.

I wasn't usually this concerned about how I looked, but I also wasn't usually about to go on a first actual date with a girl!

With myself prepared I left the house, locking the door behind me. My first stop was Lilly's house. Instead of knocking, I closed my eyes. I focused on Lilly's aura and spoke to her.

I'm here!

Her aura showed surprise.

Ok! I'll be out in a sec!

I waited. As I was waiting, my eyes wandered to her house. It was similar to mine. Just a little wider up front. I refocused on her aura. She was approaching the door. I opened my eyes to see the door open to reveal my girl.

Tempian Tales: Team Aura Guardians - First EditionWhere stories live. Discover now