Chapter 7

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For fifty-one days I did everything but wait. I gathered information on the enemy. I plotted their path. I charted their every move. I identified every one of their facilities - fortresses, factories, warehouses, armories, hangars, everything. Absolutely nothing was left hidden from my map. What the facilities were were only an educated guess, however.

I had been watching every news report. There was a television installed in the training room of the guild, so I didn't miss a thing. I had neglected to take part in any mystery dungeons. I had to know everything.

Only a week from my birthday I saw the last news report that I would watch about the war. It brought horrible news.

"Our governor," The reporter said. "Has decided to try and negotiate with our enemy,"

I sat still. I sat in a quiet horror.

"Our highest diplomats," She said. "Will be sent to Spearow Point for a negotiation,"

I shook my head. I had heard enough. I turned off the television. I was home alone with Carter. I thought it was about time to ask him something. 

I found him eating in the kitchen.

"Hey, Carter," I started.

He looked at me. "Hm? What's wrong?" He asked.

I sat down in front of him and leaned back in my chair. "What do you think our next move in war should be?" I asked. I had trouble phrasing it.

"Well... I think that our army needs to attack full on! We have the power to end this quickly!" He answered.

"What do you think about negotiation?" I asked.

"No." He shook his head. "That would never work. I've seen our enemy. They aren't intelligent. They don't even seem to understand what they're saying! They're savages!"

He tossed his paper plate into the trash can behind him. "And each one of them must be over six feet tall! They also wear clothes no matter what! They only have one patch of fur on their whole body. It's on top of their head. The weirdest thing must be their ears - they're flat, thin, and round." His description was unsettling. "And they're so colorless! They call themselves 'humans'. A weird species of pokémon, the humans are,"

I returned to my main point. "Well, what if I told you that diplomacy is exactly what our governor wants?"

His face looked icy. "That's not true... is it?"

"It is," I answered.

He looked down at where his plate was.

"We're all gonna die," He stated.

"No we're not," I answered. "You want to stop this from happening?"

He sighed. "Well, yeah, I guess!"

"Good! Come in here!" I led him into my closet and pulled out my map. He was impressed by the detail I put into the enemy's territory. It wouldn't be their territory for long, though. I filled him in on every detail of my plan.

We would first attack armories. These were usually inside fortresses, but there were a few that were left unguarded. These humans really were stupid! I spent a few more minutes talking to him before he interrupted me.

"Look, kid, I love your enthusiasm, but this is a bad idea," He said. "Let's just wait it out. The governor will see that diplomacy is a bad idea and send in troops,"

He wasn't right. The governor had lost my trust years ago with many bad decisions. "No. I don't trust the governor anymore," I refuted. "He's made too many bad decisions! How do I know he's going to have the common sense to do so? He's never had any before!"

Tempian Tales: Team Aura Guardians - First EditionWhere stories live. Discover now