Chapter 4

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It was fair to say that we had a few differences. She liked the arts while I was more analytical. It was even more fair to say that we had greater similarities. For example, we were both intrigued by mystery dungeons. We loved going outside. We loved doing things, training, and so much more. Among these things, of course, we loved each other. At least, based on her brain activity near the pituitary gland and her Oxytoctin release, that was my conclusion.

We parted at the exit of the forest, but not in a way that I would have expected, but before leaving, she gave me a hug. She pressed her body against mine. She was only a couple inches shorter than me. She was warm. She released me and smiled at me. I gave a childish smile as soon as she had turned around. No doubt she liked me back.

"I'll see ya!" I called. She turned around, still smiling.

"Well, I'm gonna see you in a few minutes," She called back. "Right?"

I grinned wider. "Right,"

"And your mom. There's nothing that I should be concerned about?" She asked.

"No, no!" I replied. "She does this all the time! Nothing to worry about,"


She went straight and I went right. There were eight sections to the town, much like that of the spokes of a wheel. With the district in the middle, eight streets ran outwards. They were equally spaced. The exit of the forest was very near the end of North Street, north being the direction that faced the mainland from this peninsula. Most mystery dungeon related facilities were grouped at the edge of Northwest Street, so going right was the most straightforward route to the mission station.

It only took about eight minutes to walk one eighth of the circumference of the town, putting myself at the mission station in about nine minutes. I jogged double my normal walking speed in hopes that I could meet Lilly at the park (which is inside the district) and not keep her waiting.

The jog brought me to the station in five minutes. This station was arguably one of the biggest buildings in town! Its facade was a very neat brickwork adorned with its trademarked symbol - the paw of one pokémon extended to another's. Personally, I believed that this symbol fit the organization perfectly. It was all about helping pokémon in need of assistance.

I approached the building, finding that Lucy had been waiting for me. She noticed me approaching and stood up.

I handed her the bag that I had been carrying for hours. It was a relief to get it off of my back.

"Is our client here?" I asked. I had to hurry. I was in luck this time!

"No concern to you for now. I caught some of your conversation in the dungeon. You don't think that you should keep her waiting, do you?" My thoughts exactly.

"Oh! Uh... No. I shouldn't. Thank you!" I responded. "Uh, what time do I need to be home today?"

"By dark, as usual. Oh, and take this!" She reached into the bag and pulled out a small sum of money that I was unaware of until then. Apparently, she always kept a little money with us.

"I suggest that you buy her something. You should probably take her to the markets down Southwest street," She advised.

"Ok! Thank you! Bye! Love you!" I turned myself towards the park and picked up my previous pace.

If Lilly were walking her normal pace, it would take her five more minutes to get to the park. I would be there in nine if I walked. If I ran I would beat her there. So, I ran.

I glanced around myself as I ran. There were outdoor stalls selling various things on the first half of my run. All of the various items that these stalls sold were all mystery dungeon related. This was, of course, the explorers' part of town. The rest of the street was a residential place reserved for explorers and mystery dungeon goers. This place was full when we moved here, so we took residence near the end of East Street.

Tempian Tales: Team Aura Guardians - First EditionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang