Chapter 9

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Our records stated that we had saved one-hundred twelve pokémon. Only seventeen stayed behind. I was saddened that so few humans cared much for their partners. That's a thought that I wouldn't leave behind in the city. Until this war was over and the humans defeated, I would always carry the thought of the unloved pokémon.

But if the pokémon didn't attack the humans themselves, I thought, then it mustn't be as bad as I imagined! That relieved my heavy feelings a little.

On the way back, we were smart enough to consult a map before we crossed the country. This time, we discovered a route that we should have taken on the trip to the east. It was out of the way and considerably longer than a straight cut, but there were no mystery dungeons. This route was dotted with outposts every few miles or so. We took it.

Each town that we passed through on the way home, there were eyes on us. I felt proud of my team as a few pokémon gathered along the streets of each town. We kept walking, heads high. There was cheering in some towns, and pokémon just stood in silence in others. In a few, pokémon tossed berries as a small thank you. We happily accepted all that we could store. To my relief, there was never a huge crowd following us. There were even some large cameras recording in a few places. I couldn't help but think about appearing on the news or some other station.

We stopped when we were half way home. With a billion poké in the national bank, we could afford to eat at a fancy restaurant. That's where we ate.

It was hard to contain my laughter at the maître d's reaction to our entry, but I managed to. The place didn't go silent, but it grew noticeably quieter soon enough.

"Table for five, please," Carter finally broke the tension. The gardevoir blinked twice.

"O-okay, five tables, sirs, ma'am," She regained herself and pulled five menus from beside her. "This way, please!"

The food was great. The service, however, was exceptional due to both a waiter and waitress sitting at the next table, sitting and waiting for our next request. After leaving a five-star review, I had high expectations of that restaurant's success. A Alimóniam Pansage.

Three quarters of the way home, we were caught by the sunset. We came across a small general store. It was a small link in the giant Poké*Mart chain. In front of it was a large grassy area. A perfect place to set up camp. We had to consult the manager, however.

The manager of the Poké*Mart was easily convinced for a businessman. Our sleep was nothing special. I dreamed of Lilly - I had dreamed of Lilly for a number of nights away from home. Tomorrow, I'd finally be back.

I awoke at four o'clock. My eyes were met with the morning sky. Sitting up to wake the rest of the team, I found about twenty more pokémon sleeping around in camp than there should've been. We were all present, but the other pokémon seemed to be townsfolk that admired us. I was the only one awake, though.

I stood. As I looked around, I noticed that most of them were younger than me. There were only a few older than me, but only by a few years. I knew that I couldn't just ditch them. I'd stay for a little while.

I shook my team awake. First Carter, then Hakamo-o and Kadabra, then Heliolisk. They were all happy to see some company.

"Everybody up!" I enjoyed company, but not when they were sleeping. "Let's get started!" I smiled

The few that were my around age and older rolled around and groaned. The majority of the younger pokémon were on their feet in little time.

Soon enough, everyone was awake. The younger ones gravitated to Hakamo-o and I, while the older ones trained with Carter, Kadabra, and Heliolisk. I was wondering where the parents were, but I set it aside. My hands were already full, playing with children. Half of them were eevees. Probably all siblings.

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