Intro: Moving in Once Again

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Dec 14, 2018

I'm contacting you through letter because I can't e-mail you right now. Our internet has not been set up yet, as it never is whenever we have moved into a new place. I know you like detailed descriptions, so here goes! The town that we moved to is called Spearow Point. It's also a peninsula (facing south)! The entering roads run along the coast due to a forest situated about fifty yards from the beginning of that peninsula, which is appropriately named the Surrounding Forest. I have heard that the forest is a mystery dungeon, too! I'm not yet sure if it's true or not, but it does sound interesting! There is a service district in the center of town and it is the best thing. That's the best way to describe it - it's the best thing that exists. It has everything that you'll ever need in life - except for mystery dungeons, which you know is what I live for. We live about a ten minute walk east of the district, which happens to be right on the coast! Unlike most cities found around the world, this city has a circular layout instead of the regular block style. Circular layouts seem to be more efficient for a city. I don't have much more to tell you, but I will keep record of anything relatively interesting that happens and send it to you!

Your Brother,

Leo Andrew

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