Chapter 12

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It was late morning when I had found myself under my favorite tree. It was where I rested at night when I couldn't sleep. Strangely, I didn't remember being sleepless the night before. I did remember having a bad dream... It was filled with guilt... Maybe that woke me up and I just didn't remember? I didn't know. Nor did I care. I stood and smoothed my ruffled fur. It was all tousled the same direction - not at all unlike I had been traveling through the air in the arms of a tired latios who was carrying the wrong riolu. I was unaware of this fact at the time. With nothing to concern myself over, I headed home.

Late morning was long past time for my regular training, so I took the day off. Lucy wasn't home. She was on a mission; her pack was missing from the coat hanger. It wasn't long before I had decided what I wanted to do. I wanted to go a town over. No particular reason.

I went to retrieve my wallet from my room. It was not where it was supposed to be. I must've left it in my pack, I thought. It was like a strike to the face when I emerged from my room: my pack was missing from the hanger as well!

I groaned. How did I not notice before! I looked directly at the empty hanger before and thought nothing of it! I calmed myself. My next course of action was to check my storage log and see what was taken. My storage log was on the door of my closet, where I stored my items.

I started - and stopped - at the last entry. It wasn't an item withdrawal for a mission like I expected. Several months worth of items were withdrawn. It was dated the night before and signed by... Me... That last Leo Andrew was exactly three same as the ones above it; it was certainly I who had signed it. My dream was not a dream... It had only seemed so due to the monotony of emotion and the surreality of the situation.

My first instinct was to search my surroundings with aura. Lilly was not working at the art supply store. She was there seven to three every day but Sunday.

With two and two together, I snatched up my emergency pack and made a mad dash from town.


I feigned a cough. I was cozily wrapped and hidden in soft tarpaulin. It was hot, needless to say, but I had to keep the ruse up for awhile. I kept myself preoccupied before everyone woke up by memorizing everyone's names. Gladas, Lyal, Zyon, and Carter. Easy feat. I was bored. Soon enough, I found myself searching through Leo's pack. I found plenty of items that I was all too familiar with: plenty of reviver seeds, oran berries, health packs, and small, labeled orbs. Most importantly, though, I found some statistics a couple strategies. A bit of math was messily scribbled under Carter's name. Leo was always decent at math and... Physics, I presumed.


Mach 4 = 1372mps.  Reaches Mach 4 in
   ~9 seconds.
  1372mps / 9s = ~152mps^2
     N=kg(mps^2)      60kg(152) = 9120N
   He can lift...  9000N/9.8mps^2= 918kg
981/60 = ~15 times ( including his own weight)

Can reach up to Mach 4 in just over 9 seconds. He accelerates at about 158 meters per second squared. That means he can put over 9,000 newtons into his flight. In effect, he can lift around 14 times his weight, but his seismic toss, a recent skill, its only really effective on those under 5 times his weight. He says seismic toss can be exhausting, so use wisely. He can stop and start in an instant, so he can perform a quick succession of powerful strikes. For large, tough opponents, use razor wings.


She is very high on defense and offense. Leave opponents around her size to her.


Can produce an ongoing discharge in strong sunlight. If it is necessary to do so, have everyone stand back.


Very strong psychic support. He is very smart, so he will employ this psychic power where it is best needed.


I can take multiple opponents my size. Most humans use larger, mid-stage pokémon, which I can take one at a time. My main job, though, is to take out the humans. Leave no human alive.


We ambush. Carter will be the first. He will execute either a successive strike or seismic toss on the largest pokémon. During this, Gladas takes on multiple medium threats. Zyon creates a psychic path to the center so that I can kill the humans. Lyal will take on any pokémon who break through the psychic path. Once all humans are taken out, we take out the leaderless pokémon easily.

If there is a very tough opponent: Carter wears specially crafted blades, wing razors, on his wings. This is called razor wings, of course. At high speeds, this can cut through pretty much any organic material. This is only to be used on extremely tough opponents. We do not want to kill any pokémon.

Lyal may perform a continuous discharge. This is for multiple flying enemies.

There was nothing more. I immediately determined that Leo's strategy wouldn't work for me. I was supposedly sick - I couldn't just go out and fight. On the next page I added a few strategies of my own.

Alternate strategy

If I can't kill the humans for some reason, I'll lure pokémon towards Gladas and Lyal to be taken out. Zyon does whatever he sees fit. Carter, of course takes larger enemies in whichever way is best for the circumstances. If there are no considerably large pokémon, Carter will join Zyon in psychic support.

Resorts: Do not tell. Need to establish strategic authority by impressing them. Tell and execute these in tight situations.

Carter disorients a group of enemies by creating a sonic boom. A sonic boom created by something the size of Carter causes hearing damage and confusion at close range. It's hard to pull off and can alert the enemies of our presence if failed. Only use with small groups to make it an easy cleanup at first. After first attempt, have Carter practice timing so it can be used regularly.

Carter flies Lyal into the air to execute an aerial discharge. Much more effective than on the ground.

That was all that I could think of off the top of my head. All I had to do was wait for them to wake up. I would then share most of the things in the notebook. Soon enough, everyone was awake. I shared everything in the notebook. Everything but the resorts. I had to earn their respect before Leo caught up to us.

We were on the road for only a day more before the news came. A peliper was flying above our camp that morning. He dropped a paper and continued on his route.

Human Attack Imminent at Lumino City, it read.

A battle was coming not a mile from our location. Perfect. We would just love to participate!

Tempian Tales: Team Aura Guardians - First EditionWhere stories live. Discover now