Chapter One

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The voice of my best friend Terezi knocked me out of my daze. I can't help it, I like to think. I turned to face her as she called my name, it was kind of inappropriate considering I was right beside her.  Terezi was a peppy red-head girl who just loved colours. I found that fascinating. She was a good friend. She came up to me on my way to the bus. "Today's your last day here!" a large frown grew on her face. "You better text me!"

  I was going to move in two days, and today was my last day at this school. Honestly, I was excited. I hated the school, it was so unprofessional and cheap. I really only cared for the friends that attended with me.

I wondered what life would be like on an island. Soon, I would find out. It still didn't hit me that my family was rich now, and I don't think it ever will.

I waited for the bus, on the bench. I was kind of early today. I felt a presence behind me, causing me to turn.  His other friend, Tavros stood there as if he was thinking of what to say. He came up and sat next to me, his brown hair still wet probably from a shower. "U-Uh, hey Karkat..." I didn't like him that much but at least he's kind. His shyness was really annoying. "Hi, Tav." 

"I heard you were uh... moving to an island. I read about strange human like figures in the sea, I uh- thought you might find it interesting?" He said, scrolling through his phone. He always told me if something like this happened, I didn't really care but he told me anyway. He turned his phone towards me, showing a picture that made my heart drop. It was some kind of silhouette of a human with a tail, blurred by water. "That's cool, Tavros." I lied. I didn't find it interesting, just creepy.

"Fuck, that actually kind of looks real. I bet it's still fake, though." I said, turning my head to the side. Tavros frowned. "Well anyway, uh, good luck with the new house!" He said, walking off quickly as if he regretted speaking to me. I felt bad, but I honestly didn't even care at this point. "Hey, Gamzee! Look at this!" I felt a lot better after he seemingly forgot his encounter with me, and went off to show his next victim. Gamzee was alright but he scared me a lot. His brother, Kurloz gives me nightmares. They were both incredibly lanky, and looked like they constantly smoked weed.

Finally, the bus approached. I was excited, this was my last time having to wake up at 7 AM. I walked up to the line, standing in front of my friend, Kanaya. She was probably better at parenting than my own father was. I was behind Gamzee, and being in between them made me feel even shorter than I already am. Gamzee was at least like 6,4 and Kanaya was around 5,9. Both taller that me. He climbed up the few stairs and got on the bus, leaving me next to come. Gamzee sat beside Tavros, and started explaining why he liked the window so much. I sat beside Kanaya, thankfully getting the window seat. Looking out the window was like therapy for me.

I talked to Kanaya for a bit on the bus, Gamzee talked to me too, everybody seemed to want to talk to me today. It annoyed me. They never cared about me before, but all of a sudden when I was going to leave, they wanted to be my friend? How does that work? 

The bus hit a huge bump, Gamzee flew from his own seat into my lap. He was really light. He sat there trying to process what happened, and so did I. "Get the fuck off, you clown." I scowled. Kanaya was laughing, as well as Tavros, and a lot of others. Gamzee climbed back to where he was, laughing with the others. I had to let out a little chuckle.

Nothing important happened at school today, like usual. The same as every other day. Finally, the endless loop would come to an end. 

"Karkat, you should pack your things up. It might be triggering to dad when he sees that you didn't pack yet. We're leaving very soon." My dumbass brother said. That was probably the smallest sentence he's ever spoken. "Kankri, what the fuck is wrong?" I asked, noticing his speech seemed off. "Huh? N-nothing, Karkat. I'm just quite upset to leave my friends and go to an island far away from society. Now, I'll be organizing things. Goodbye." He said, walking off. Alright, time to pack, I guess. 

I gently put a photo of my mother in the suitcase, wrapping my favourite sweater around it so it won't be destroyed. This was the only thing that had the power to make me smile.

~Davekat~ MERSTUCKWhere stories live. Discover now