Chapter Three

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I awoke to find myself on the scratchy ocean floor. I forgot where I fell asleep this time.

I stretched my arms, and attempted to recall the night before. I fell asleep in a cave, I guess. My brother was in here too. I stretched my tail, and was off to nowhere in particular.

I found a place that had been my favourite for a while. It was a pretty lagoon, the sunlight poured through and I could see the land. There was a house very, very far away that he could barely make out. He seen a couple humans, but never wanted to see them, they' d probably freak out.   I never even realized it was finished, finally. Maybe a family moved in there. It would be nice seeing more people other than his brother. Maybe it would even be someone without a tail.

My brother swam up behind me and sat with me. I haven't seen anyone other than him for 18 years, around the time when I didn't have this freaking tail.

 "I see they finished another house up there." My brother said, breaking my train of thoughts. "Yeah, maybe I'll see another person." I hoped. "oh Dave, maybe if we weren't hybrids with tails, we'd be a lot more social." I sighed. Something caught my brother's eye, I noticed.  "Hey what's that?" he said, swimming over to some black thing. I followed close behind him, curiously. "Hey look at this shit dude!" He said, turning around with pointy eye-wear. "Oh my fuckin' god, Dirk." I said, rolling my eyes. "Got any more of those?"


I woke up, feeling kind of inspired to look around. I was going to check everything out today, starting with outside. I stretched, and got out of bed. I looked out the window, something unusual caught my eye. It looked like a lagoon, far in the ocean. It actually looked kind of cool. Something seemed to move. I wondered what animals were out there. It was pretty far away. I'll check it out in a bit.

"DAD, WHERE'S THE BATHROOM??" I shouted. "CHECK YOUR MAP!" I heard from below. I forgot about the map. I pulled it out, and brought a towel with me.

I found the bathroom finally, and damn was it huge. "Holy shit" I whispered to myself. This was gonna be an interesting shower.

"I'M GOING TO THE BEACH, DAD!" I yelled, hoping he'd hear from wherever he was. "I'm right here, Karkat." A voice came from the couch in the living room behind me, making me jump. "Oh fuck. Well, bye." I headed out the door.

I ran to the beach, which was pretty far from the house. I wasn't the most active person, so I quickly ran short on breath. As I got closer, I noticed there seemed to be... people there? 

I panicked, should I go back? Did they see me? My head spun, I thought we were the only ones on this island. 

Once I got my shit together, I noticed that it was people. They were swimming. Should I tell my dad to call the cops, or something? It was private property. From what I could see, they were both boys. Maybe even twins. They both were tan, and had very light blonde hair. They were both pretty muscular too, unlike me. That's all I could see from where I was standing.

I got up to the beach, wondering where they went. I knew they were there, I knew I saw people. I was not crazy. I was already in my swimwear, which was just a black loose shirt and basketball shorts. I went closer to the cold water, and dipped my feet in. I shivered, mostly from knowing there were trespassers. Why didn't I tell my dad? 

It wasn't actually that cold, but it wasn't warm either. "Hello?" I called out, kind of quietly. A part of me was hoping no one would hear. 



"Dave." Dirk's voice serious, running chills up my spine."Don't you fuckin dare go up to them." Dirk warned. "I'm totally fuckin going up to them." I smirked. I was not missing this opportunity. Fuck Dirk. I practically flew up to the surface, seeing a kind of chubby boy around my age but maybe younger with reddish-brown hair. He was wearing a black T-shirt and grey shorts. Seeing him made me feel warm. I wasn't close to being afraid. If I die, I die.

I swam towards him, but something grabbed my tail and tugged me back to where I started. "Dude, you idiot, you're going to scare him. Or he's going to kill you. Or worse." Dirk warned. "Look at him, dude! He's so cute." I said, not even waiting for Dirk's comeback. 

~Davekat~ MERSTUCKWhere stories live. Discover now