Chapter Five

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I was about to go to bed, but my loud mind wouldn't shut up. I still thought about earlier. Maybe I shouldn't tell anyone, if Tavros didn't believe me, who would? Sleeping was useless at this point. 

I unpack more from my nearly empty suitcase, taking out the sweater that held the photo of my mother. Memories flood back. I used to laugh, I used to feel emotions besides anger. I lay in my bed for what seemed like hours, until I finally let the night take me.

I woke up, immediately remembering what happened the day before. So, it was real, huh? Fuck. I reach over until I feel the cold screen of my phone. 12 unread texts from Terezi greeted my eyes.

 Wait, how do we even get service out here?


[T] K4RK4444T

[T] bhgytjghj


all were just texts like that. I wasn't even surprised. I was however surprised she even thought to text me.


I said, not thinking to tell her why I was sorry. Why was I? Oh yeah, I probably couldn't tell her that I live among mer-creatures. I never really put thought into my texts, anyways. I put my phone down and got out of bed, and went straight to the beach, after grabbing a banana quickly from the kitchen. 

Approaching the beach, I saw one of the blonde dudes, the one with the red tail. He seemed to be caught in some kind of contraption caused by litter. I got a little mad at my own species. Getting a better look, I noticed there was blood dripping from his arm where the thing was stuck. It must've been sharp plastic. How the hell did he manage to do that? 

He looked up when he noticed me. "Oh hey dude." He said calmly, then returning to his struggles. "Damn, what an idiot. You need help, or something?" I asked.

 "That would be fuckin' nice, thanks." He swam a bit closer, and I sat down in front of him in the messy,wet sand. I tried to pull it off, but he winced and said that hurt. "Fuck. Sorry, asshole. I'll get a knife." 

I earned a confused look from the creature. "What's a knife?" 

 "You'll see, you poor, dumb creature." I smirk.

 I turned to walk towards my house, but I saw there was no need. There was a random knife placed underneath a tree, which had something carved in it. It said ":33". I had no idea what that meant, and I didn't care either. I do have to admit, I was horrified deep down.

"I got a knife. Why the fuck was there one under the tree?" I said, approaching  the beach. "that's good because my arms are turning a different colour. These fuckin' things are everywhere," He sighed. I felt bad, it must be awful. Maybe I'll stop using plastic.

 "How does this knife thing work?"

 "Just look at it. It literally just...cuts shit." I explained horribly. I began cutting the plastic around him carefully. He watched, face blank as ever. Does he ever feel emotions? Do fish-people have them? I tried not to cut his arm, but I was never very accurate with cutting. He jumped slightly. "Fuck, sorry!" I cringed, watching the small amount of blood turn the water red. "It's fine."

When I finally cut the plastic off of his arm, he thanked me. "Yeah, don't mention it. So, what the fuck are you?" 

The tailed boy chuckled at my question. "I'm just like you, but like, with gills. I don't know how it works, don't even bother asking." 

I was so confused, yet it was pretty cool. Was I the first person to encounter this? It was like finding a new species. Well, that's exactly what it was. Would I be arrested, or something?

"Well, I'm gonna go... See you later, hopefully." I spoke the last part quietly.  My dad would probably get angry if I missed lunch. "okay, dude. come back anytime," He smiled. I walked away from the water, feeling like some sort of scientist. I just saved some creature's life. I thought back to where I found the knife, and the symbol on the tree. Who could have done that? There's only my family on the island. Well, that's what I thought, but there was  two fish boys here, too. I'm not even sure how I get internet out here. 

Instead of going back to my house, I walked back to the tree. It felt really creepy being here. I shivered and walked the odd feeling off. I was about to leave when I heard a slight crinkling. 

I froze in my tracks, like I did when anything surprising happened. I waited for whatever to happen. 

After about a minute of nothing, I slowly eased my body, which was a mistake. There was some sort of silhouette of a person behind a tree. It came closer, turned it's head, and dashed forward, screaming very suddenly. I didn't even have time to think.

I ran. That's all I could do, was run. I wasn't fast, and I felt as if my life would end right there.

After a while of running, my body was already aching. I turned my head to see it was still following me. Since I wasn't the most athletic type of person, I didn't know how much longer I could last. 

I glanced behind me, and the figure had vanished. I still didn't feel that it was gone, though.

 I stopped and caught my breath, coughing. I looked around to see that it was in fact still there, and beginning to catch up to me. 

 Fear flooded through my veins, and I didn't know where to go. I ran so deep in the forest I don't even know where I am. All I saw were tropical looking trees. . Next thing I knew, I flew across the dirt, landing into a tree. My vision got blurry, and I still panicked although I couldn't move. 

Well, that must be how it ends. I'm dead.

~Davekat~ MERSTUCKWhere stories live. Discover now