Chapter Six

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So I'm currently editing this story, because it's 3 years old and it was awful, this is where I stopped editing. It goes back to being awful, sorry. I will update it another day, so, soon! -Feb 15,2019


Acceptance. It's all you could do in a moment like this.

But, I guess I'm not dead. If I was, it sure was taking a while. 

I opened my eyes, and nothing was there. Nothing as in nothing around that was going to murder me. Trees, bushes, insects of all sorts, but no creepy figure. It had left me alone. A tsunami of relief flooded through me, but so did the pain in my back, and everywhere else. I was surprisingly in a lot of pain from just running and falling a lot. 

I groaned, thinking of where the heck I was and how to get out. I make a mental map, scanning the area. Trees, sand, bugs, an opening in the trees. That was where I would head next.

 I should actually be extremely thankful that I'm still alive. 

 The forest was pretty small, and I knew I wouldn't be lost for long. I felt calm, even though I almost just died.

 Suddenly, a squeak filled the air, leaving me completely frozen once again. All the calmness I felt just a few seconds ago had vanished. Like hell was I going to say "Hello" or anything like they do in the horror films. Today was not going to be the day I die, one day, but not today. Hopefully not at least. I stay completely stiff, my eyes finding an opening through the trees. It was a way out, but not to where I wanted.

There was a small cabin. It looked old, and it squeaked as the door opened again. "Don't go out again! And take your pills." I heard a deep voice speak. It also had a youthful tone to it.  I never knew that could combine, but I heard it.

 A cabin? I thought this place was remote... I guess I was wrong. I should've known from the mermaid dudes back there. I wanted to go home. Not to the new house, but home. The leaves on the trees rattled and sounds of feet hitting the dirt was what my ears picked up, the footsteps approached me step by step. I couldn't move, actually, I wouldn't move. What I saw was something that looked like a person. A guy, with jet black long-ish hair half shaved. He was extremely fit, like he could crush my marshmallow body with one flick. He looked to be Native American.

The man got closer and closer. I squeezed my eyes shut, and clenched my fists hoping he'd just pass by. The noises became very close, I heard the strong guy's breaths, and soon felt them uncomfortably close to my neck. "Hello."

 I jumped what felt like a foot in the air, startled. It took me a full second to gather courage to turn around. The man looked at me, he was towering over me. He was probably 2 feet taller than me. I was kind of tall, not really though. I guess average. "U-uh..." was all I could get out. It made me look weak. I looked down, avoiding eye contact with the extremely blue eyes. That wasn't a normal eye colour for his race. Or any race, actually. The blue colour was striking, fake looking. "Are you lost?" He asked, noticing the awkwardness. He seemed really normal, so far. Though he didn't look very normal. "Kinda?" I replied. I didn't really want to let him know I was alone in the forest. His tank-top had a horse on it, and he wore shorts with striped leggings underneath. An odd combination, if you ask me.

 "Follow me, if you wish." He said, walking away without waiting. I guess I'll follow him. Yeah, I'll just follow him. It's better than being lost.


"Heeheehee!" I heard from behind me. It sounded like it came from a child straight from a horror movie. The giggles were horrifying. I furrowed my eyebrows.

 The man introduced himself as "Equius". I had never heard that name in my life. I noticed an opening far away, leading to sand. I could run, escape, make it back home, and convince my father to move back to our old home.

 I began to run, but a hand reached out and yanked my shoulder back, throwing me to the ground. This guy was insanely strong. I grunted in anger, like a child who didn't get the ice cream they wanted. "S-sorry," He blushed, sweat running down his face. He didn't even ask why I ran.

 "I'll be back, stay here." He looked around for a second, and looked straight at the source of the noise. He walked towards a bush but the crinkling of leaves went to another. "Nepeta, get back to the cabin." Equius called out. I felt incredibly out of place on this island. Bushes shook, and Equius stopped in his tracks. He moved to the next bush probably with the giggling thing behind it, reached in, and pulled out a strange looking girl by the collar. She had a headband with orange cat eats, a shirt with a Leo sign on it and she seemed to have painted herself gray. She looked maybe about 12.

"Watch out for the highblood!" She giggled happily, dancing around. "Nepeta, I don't know what you're talking about." I awkwardly stood listening in on their conversation, lowering my eyes to the floor and holding my arm.  I was scared, this girl seems mentally unstable. "He'll shoot a fucking arrow through your leg, and choke you!" She screamed, causing me to stiffen. "Nepeta! Language. Get back to the cabin, now." I began to get really uncomfortable. Equius sighed as Nepeta frowned, eyes watering up. "Go catch me a bird, return it to the cabin, please." He said, lowering his tone. Nepeta happily ran away. 

"I'm sorry." Equius said, while we continued to walk to the opening. "Do you live in the house over there?" He asked. "Uh, yeah." I wasn't quite sure about him anymore. "May I catch fish on your property?" That was a random question. "Sure... I've gotta go now.." I said, walking to my house. Equius seemed kind of normal.

This new house has been so weird. I'm surprised Kankri or my dad hasn't seen any of this yet. I just couldn't believe it, this all must be a dream. It has to be. I met a merperson, two of them! I found some crazy child in the woods, and a really scary looking guy. This has to be a dream. It seemed really real though, I just didn't know what to do or think anymore.

~Davekat~ MERSTUCKWhere stories live. Discover now