chapter 13-End.

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Yea this is the end, it's not the best i know. This story is kinda all over the place anyway. I'm gonna publish 2 chapters of my other davekat story if ye wanna read that, it'll be better. Enjoy
Tonight my family wanted to have a stupid game night. All I could think of was Dave.
I never thought I'd be in love with a boy. Especially not a fish boy. people would think I'm crazy if I wasn't​ on this island. what would dad even think?
"Hey Dad, can I tell you something?" I ask awkwardly holding on to the corner of the wall of my dad's bedroom. He looked up at me, turning his gaze away from the book he was reading. "Anything, kid." He smirked. I had a slight feeling he knew what I wanted to say.
"I uh..." I turn away for a second, thinking of what to say. how could I word this?
"I like uh... Da-" "Dave?" He smiled, finishing my sentence. "Yeah." I said slightly gaining confidence.
"Coolio. I'm glad you told me." He casually returned to his book. That went really well, we didn't even have to talk about it.

I felt as if I just lost 100 pounds. Coming out is a major work out.

I sat down on the porch, about to read when Nepeta came and sat next to me. "Do you like Dave?"she squealed excitedly. I immediately blush, but realize it's okay to tell people. maybe it could even help me. "Yeah." I shrug.
"OMGOMGOMG!" she yelled. She just said the letters instead of oh my God. The next few words were the greatest I've ever heard. "He told me he likes you!" She screamed super loudly as equius came out of the bushes.
"Shh." He turned to wherever he was.

Dave was sitting on a rock, he didn't have his tail so he must've been sitting there for a while doing nothing. "DAAAAVE!" Nepeta yelled. He turned his head and jumped onto the golden sand, walking towards us. thankfully he was wearing clothes. He also seemed to be wearing circular shades.
"You guys are boyfriends now." Nepeta said, finally not screeching or yelling. None of us disagreed, and that's how it happened.


"Dude. Happy 20th birthday." Dave kissed me on the cheek. We've been together for a while, and Dave knows how to read now. We're still on this island with our friends and family. Dirk and Jake were doing great, too. "You ready for dinner?" Dave asked. "Sure."
Dave cupped his hands around my eyes, making me see pitch black nothing. "Ta-Da!" He did jazz hands, I think I accidentally taught him that. The dinner was pizza with flowers around it, how romantic. "Looks amazing." I sat down at the chair Dave pulled out for me, and picked up the fancy slice of pizza. Dave looked a little worried when I took a bite. There was something hard in it, was pizza supposed to be hard? I pulled the thing out of my mouth, revealing... a ring? Dave sighed in relief. "thank God you didn't swallow it." He breathed. I was about to scream. "But anyway, Karkat... Will you-"
"hELL YES!" I yelled. Just then Nepeta, Equius, Dirk, Jake, Kankri and my dad popped out of cupboards. I didn't even know what to feel, but this was...


~Davekat~ MERSTUCKWhere stories live. Discover now