Chapter 11

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[Dave's POV]

I now knew what pants were, how exciting. I wonder if bro can do the thing, too. I hopped back into the water, speeding towards my home. I couldn't wait to tell him what legs were.

 Getting closer and closer, I stopped dead in my tracks. Well, whatever you'd say for swimming. A boy sat in Dirk's arms as he swam back towards our cave. "dirk, don't those things need air?" I point to the boy with dark hair and glasses. His glasses were broken and I think he was pretty dead. Dirk looked at me strangely, then turned his head back towards the human. "Oh." And he was gone. I go to follow him, but this is his problem. I'll check on them later.

[Karkat's POV]

It was getting late, I saw Equius and Nepeta doing something outside. She wasn't dressed up like she usually was in her grey body paint and fake cat ear horns. Despite her mental state she was a very nice girl, always happy but can kill anyone who messes with her. I wish I was more like that. Everyone says I look perfect the way I am, despite my weight. I couldn't really see it though. No, shut up. It's been so long since you thought like this!  I thought to myself. I'm alright. I'm good at drawing, I'm caring, I'm amazing. I sigh in relief, and smile. 

-The next day-

"G'morning Karkat!" I smelled bacon, for sure. A smile appeared on my face, as my stomach growled. I then thought if Dave has ever had this type of food before. "Come and eat." My dad said to me. "Hold on, is it okay if my uh, friend joins us?" He raises his eyebrows, and I mentally scream. He probably noticed I kind of stuttered when I said friend. "Yeah, sure." 

"Dave!" I called out, standing on the beach. He usually hears me somehow, I guess his cave or whatever is close to shore. Suddenly, something hit my back. "Ow-" I turn to see Dave standing there, thankfully wearing pants, holding a Nerf gun. "dude look at this." he smirked. "You asshole!" I yelled, but I saw the humour in it. "Have you ever had bacon before?" I asked him, smiling again. This is the most I've ever smiled. I felt something at this random moment, Dave made me smile a lot. More than anybody. Now thinking about it, he probably doesn't even know what sexuality is, or- "no, what's that?" He asked lifting his eyebrows. I sighed. "Come with me."

"Is this made out of those pink things I read about?" Dave questioned in the middle of breakfast. My dad's face turned into pure confusion, as well as Kankri's. "Yeah, idiot... How did you forget what a pig was called?" I awkwardly chuckle.  "Come with me, Dave." I say, Kankri shrugs it off. 

"Well, that was a mistake." We were currently sitting on a really old bench that we found, I was sketching Dave with his tail. He peeked over my shoulder and pointed at my work, "whoa, how do you do that?" He asked in awe. I hand over my sketch book and give him my pencil. "You try, draw something." 

It's been a few minutes, and Dave handed me back my sketchbook. It was a little stick figure with lines coming out of the head, and the person had a giant heart formed around it. It was so cute but I had to hide that I thought that. "Who's that?" "it's you," Dave smirks ad me. That is the cutest crap I've ever seen in my life. 

"my brother said he has a 'boyfriend'. his name is jake." He randomly says. It took me by surprise. "Really?" I ask. "yea, they always hug. i want a boyfriend too." My hopes went up a lot. Now was a small chance, but if I worry about what could go wrong, I might miss out on something. I slowly wrap my arms around him, pulling him in for a hug. I closed my eyes so I didn't see his reaction. Surprisingly, he just hugged back without saying a word.


I'm gonna end this story soon, in probably two chapters. sorry if you don't like it, but i'm working on another story so,,,

~Davekat~ MERSTUCKحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن