Chapter 10

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Karkat's POV-

I had gotten Dave to my house, managing to sneak him into my room to at least get clothes on before my family noticed. I could explain why I had a boy over, but not a naked one. Actually I don't even think I could explain any of that while living here. Crap.

I kept Dave entertained reading, I gave him a book that you'd give to a 3 year old, while trying to learn how to talk. I didn't really know how Dave knows English already, or at least most of it. He didn't know what things like animals were. 

"can you get me a spider monkey?" Dave said, pushing the book closer to his face while reading. He pronounced spider as 'spitter'. "Dave those aren't supposed to be pets, you idiot." I said trying not to smile or die of laughter. He was wearing my grey pajama pants that had little crabs on them, and my brother's red spider man shirt. It matched his eyes, and it went with his freckles.

"Karkat!" My dad yelled, suddenly opening my door. It gave me a heart attack. I was kinda trying to admire something, here. Oh wait, he's here. Dave calmly kept reading his book. "Who's this? How?" My dad practically screamed. He was happy though? "I-" "Now you have a friend! I thought there'd be no one on this island and you'd be alone forever!" He laughed, like that laugh an old man would give you when he sees something from his generation. "Yeah... bye, dad." I sighed, getting up quickly and closing the door. I then heard a muffled "Love you" while he left, then footsteps. 

-Time skip-

I was playing hide and seek with Dave now. I hid in my closet, real creative huh. The thing is I've been hiding here for a really long amount of time. Not like an hour but still long. Maybe I should open the closet door. (alright you squabbles if i see one comment about this i swear) I grabbed the handle, and pulled it open revealing Dave. He was just sitting there reading his book. "DAVE, WHY?" "i didn't know what to do when i found you." He said. I did the biggest face palm ever you could just hear my hand coming in contact with my forehead. 

"hey karkat, i love youu" Dave said. "WH..." was all I could say. I just... WHAT. Blushing hard, questions in my mind from those words scattered my brain. We were literally just sitting there as I was facepalming about him being stupid and now this? "Thanks?" I said. "why's your face red?" "How did you know what that meant?" I asked still confused. Like very confused. "your man said it earlier." "MY MAN??!" MY MAN?!!? "yeah i think his name was dad." "OK DAVE. You should leave. Take the clothes, jump into the lake or whatever the hell it is and go back to your brother." I say pushing him out the door of my room, down the stairs and out the door. I pushed him down the steps and all the way back to the water. There was a big sploosh, causing me to cover my face. 

His red tail was back, splashing beautifully through the water as he swam deeper. "see you tomorrow, cuz i can walk now." He smirked. 

~Davekat~ MERSTUCKWhere stories live. Discover now