Chapter 9

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alright it's my birthday and i have nothing better to do. (well it was when i wrote that)


[karkat's pov]

Memories from last night came back, remembering the boat that had appeared. I'm sure Dave wouldn't be stupid enough to get caught, right? He is actually pretty stupid. 

A few days ago I saw a boat come to the dock to unload their stuff. I think there's another island close by, I'm not sure what it's like there or why they haven't discovered things here. Maybe they were scared. There could be time still to check on it.

I hurried to the dock which was on the side of the beach. i wasn't completely sure that Dave was stupid enough to get caught in a net, but it's worth checking. I was already out of breath while only being half way to my destination.

I came to a stop while realizing that the boat is about to leave. I'm almost there, this shouldn't be a problem. I can make it, for Dave... if he's not there, I'll be pissed. If he is I'll be pissed as well. I'm not sure what I was hoping for. i just wanted him to be okay.

alright you're there, calm down.

the boat was there, stopped and abandon. All the fish were on board, beat to death by a bat that lay resting against the side of the door.

"Dave? You here?" I called out as I walked around before people came back.

-Dave's POV earlier-

Darkness was all I could see, and remember. what did I do last? I thought to myself, only remembering fishing with my human friends. Well, Nepeta prefers to be called a "troll". Maybe the fish kidnapped me because I killed some of them. Yeah that's what happened.

Suddenly a light flooded through the blackness, kind of like a spot light on me. I then realized there were things around me, bins of worms, boxes of nets that had a 50% off sign on them, stuff like that. I suppose nets are the things that pick up all those fish.

In the opened wall frame stood a figure.
"boss, they're awake." A deep voice spit. Then I noticed something really weird, it feels like my tail has split into two. I look down at it, gasping. It actually scared me. I had what all humans had, legs.

I smiled despite the fact that I had no idea where I was. Attempting to use these new things, I try to stand up only to fall stupidly as the people who stood in the doorway laughed. I decided to stay silent and not try anything. Great plan. "Hoooly shit what'll the boss say when he sees this? We'll probably be rich!" He exclaimed, pumping his fists in the air. Hey, at least I'm worth something. "Not like this, why'd he get legs all of a sudden?" Another guy walked up. He wore a plaid shirt, and had a huge belly. He's right though. After a short moment, his face brightened with an idea. "Remember that show with all the mermaid girls who grew legs when they were dry?" He asked in his strange sounding accent. The first guy stared for a moment, and began to laugh. I have no idea what' going on. "You watch that?-" "NOT THE POINT!" The plaid-wearing guy yelled. He then left.

"So 'lil buddy, can ye talk?" The guy who wore a purple and black T-shirt asked me. "No." I answered covering my mouth, I meant to think that. Damn it. He just nodded. I flinched as water covered me all of a sudden, realizing that the plaid dude threw water at me. Then, everything went black.

[Karkat's POV]

I searched the ship, finally noticing a door. It smelled like fish. I tried at the door nob to no avail. "shit." I cursed under my breath. "Just what I needed." I sigh. I was about to give up. He's probably not in here, I thought until I heard a cough coming from the room. It sounded like someone just choked in there, and I needed to get in. "Dave?" It was worth a shot. "Karkat?" I heard his muffled voice through the wooden door. "I'll get you out of there!" I yelled through the door. It sounded as if he got closer somehow. "I can do it myself, I think." He replied. "How?" 

I waited by the door with my arms crossed, knowing people will be back at any moment. To my surprise a fist came flying through the door, scaring the living shit out of me. I stumbled backwards, looking at the hole in the door with a pale fist through it. "What the- how?"  I choked "Oops." He said calmly, taking his hand out of the door. "OOPS?" yet another time I got the shit scared out of me. The door knob came flying off, and I lay there surprised. The door came flying open, revealing Dave standing there, with actual legs. Before questioning anything, though, something must be done. "oKAY YOU NEED CLOTHES."

~Davekat~ MERSTUCKWhere stories live. Discover now