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This is something stupid I thought up.

Okay so like imagine all of these playing as the scenes I describe are happening, like a video.

Plus, I will not put all of the songs, only a few.


Alexander Hamilton- everyone introducing Firestar of course, because admit it. He's fucking Hamilton.

Alexander Hamilton: Firestar

Aaron Burr: Tigerstar

John Laurens: Whitestorm

Thomas Jefferson: Longtail

James Madison: Tallstar (Oak's voice is my Headcanon voice for him lol)

George Washington: Bluestar

Lafayette and Hercules Mulligan: Ravenpaw and Graystripe

Eliza: Sandstorm

Angelica and Maria/Peggy: Spottedleaf and Cinderpelt

Story of Tonight- Firepaw, Graypaw, and Ravenpaw are singing about how they're gonna grow up to be the best warriors they can be. Dustpaw, out if curiosity and longing, joins them. Sandpaw is still uncertain. Finally, at the very end, when the company joins in with "Raise a glass to freedom", she joins.

Alexander Hamilton: Firepaw

Hercules Mulligan: Graystripe

Lafayette: Dustpelt

John Laurens: Ravenpaw

That female cast member you can easily hear: Sandpaw

The Schuyler Sisters- just a random day in the old Thunderclan camp before the quest

Aaron Burr: Brambleclaw

Angelica Schuyler: Squirrelpaw

Peggy/Eliza Schuyler: Leafpool

Farmer Refuted- random gathering where Fireheart confronts someone like Darkstripe I guess idk

Alexander Hamilton: Fireheart

Hercules Mulligan: Graystripe

Samuel Seabury: Darkstripe

Aaron Burr: Whitestorm

Right Hand Man- Brokenstar at some secret meeting choosing Tigerstar to "be his right hand man"

Aaron Burr: Snowtuft

Alexander Hamilton: Tigerstar

George Washington: Brokenstar

Hercules Mulligan: some random buff tomcat idk

A Winter's Ball- Graypaw and Firepaw spotting Spottedleaf after the fight with Longtail

Aaron Burr: Graypaw

Alexander Hamilton: Firepaw

Eliza Schuyler: Spottedleaf

Helpless- Honeyfern about Berrynose

Eliza Schuyler: Honeyfern

Angelica Schuyler: Poppyfrost

Alexander Hamilton: Berrynose

Satisfied- Honeyfern (dead now (I'm sorry)) about Poppyfrost and Berrynose. The beginning/end, at the wedding, is StarClan celebrating Poppy and Berry getting together

Angelica Schuyler: Honeyfern

Eliza Schuyler: Poppyfrost

Alexander Hamilton: Berrynose

John Laurens: Swiftpaw

Wait For It- Crowfeather about Leafpool (also talking about Breezepelt during the part where Aaron talks about Alex)

Aaron Burr: Crowfeather

Theodosia- Leafpool

Alexander Hamilton: Breezepelt

Meet Me Inside- Bluestar and Fireheart after Fireheart fucks up somehow during a battle

George Washington: Bluestar

Alexander Hamilton: Fireheart

John Laurens: Ravenpaw

Aaron Burr: Graystripe

Guns and Ships- Darkstripe and Tigerstar planning the attack on the clans. Tigerstar saying he needs to convince Brambleclaw to join their side.

Lafayette: Darkstripe

George Washington: Tigerstar

Aaron Burr: Snowtuft

Alexander Hamilton: Brambleclaw

Yowktown- you can kinda guess from the last chapter lmao

What Comes Next- Mapleshade by herself in the DF laughing at the Clans

King George: Mapleshade

Non-stop- Onestar wondering how Firestar is <insert how Alex acts bc I can't describe it lol> (got this idea from a rlly good MAP)

Aaron Burr: Onestar

Alexander Hamilton: Firestar


James Madison: Jayfeather

Thomas Jefferson: Hollyleaf

Aaron Burr: Firestar

Alexander Hamilton: Lionblaze

Say No To This- Jesse going all Maria on Bramblestar during the Great Storm

Maria Reynolds: Jesse

Alexander Hamilton: Bramblestar

Washington On Your Side- Tigerstar, Brokenstar, and Hawkfrost laughing at the clans

Aaron Burr: Tigerstar

James Madison: Brokenstar

Thomas Jefferson: Hawkfrost

I Know Him- Tigerstar learning that Firestar is the new leader (one of my favorite ones I've come up with bc just imagine it)

King George: Tigerstar

John Adams: Firestar

So yeah there we go

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