In Which The Writer Is Sick But Wants To Write An Update Anyway

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Haha just going to give away some things I've held in because I'm bored. And sick of my ass.
Slight trigger warning below though so if you have any triggers you might want to, ah, be cautious reading some things.

Simple things and some more complicated ones

-my favorite color is blue.

-I adore romantic comedies.

-I've never left a fandom. I can still answer trivia for all fandoms I've been in, and am in. I live by this motto,
"You can take me out of the fandoms, but you can't take the fandom out of me."

-I'm an artist

-I don't do what is considered 'average art' o do a bit more abstract. To using my fingers, using ink over Saran Wrap to indenting foil and creating a galaxy over rocks and different patterns on seashells, I enjoy stepping out my comfort zone and seeing different forms of art.

-I am a Disney movie fanatic and know the songs and basic tune for many old classics.

-I have nyctophobia

-I have bibliophilia and am technically a bibliophile

I was an anorexic growing up, but now I am slightly over weight. My weight has two sides, under or over, no middle.

-I technically have alexithymia although I don't want to ask a doctor because I already have a bunch of medications

-I was diagnosed with ADHD but have never actually taken the medication, opting to ignore being high off of the pills they could use and actually trying to have some self control. (Pretty hard, at least a part of me is moving at all times)

-I should technically be blind. Somehow I'm not. *shrugs* still need to wear glasses.

-I am heterozygous brown eyed and brown haired. blonde and red hair does run in my family.

-I have horrible lungs and have to keep an asthma inhaler on me at all times ( when I was much younger I had to daily go to the nurse and take my pump, now I have laced off of it)

- I should be dead. Multiple times. But not because of my mass hysteria, the voices in my head or my internal depression.. it's because of my weak system. Damn it body why can't you be a bit more normal?!

-I have never self harmed. Well. Actually. No I haven't. (Trying to remember if I ever truly did. Nope :D)

-I am a good actress

-I feel very out of place in my gender

-my sexuality is as easy to understand as the hetalia family tree and love tree all put together.

-I have dyed my hair red so although it is a natural dark brown it's currently a shade of russet. Kind of a dark brown and dark red all in one.

-I speak three languages fluently, and I'm heading towards a fourth.

-I am born here in America but I feel I identify more as someone from Canada or the UK.

-when really upset or really angry my voice gets an accent. It's usually European for some reason and mainly Scottish.

-I have a tendency to speak really, REALLY, REALLLLLLYYYY FAST. Like, Dominican fast. Like, rap fast. If you don't understand what I'm saying though, don't hesitate to ask me to repeat myself.

-growing up I had a very, VERY, VERY thick lisp growing up and I stuttered quite a lot. I actually still do to this day, I simply cover it up really well.

-I a, usually am a minute or so late to school since I spend a good while near my old elementary school helping the younger children, groggy parents, innocent critters and bustling seniors around the somewhat busy streets of a New York morning area. And I'm proud, since a good number of people know me.

-I have the hands of a thief and if you annoy me I will slip things out of your bag, pockets and hands. I always give things back, ( my conscience can't bear with stealing things from people ) but I do like using that to do little magic tricks every so often.

- growing up with a mother who adores cooking and baking, I can serve a good number of dishes and basic meals along with make a nice amount of sweets when I feel like it and can use the kitchen.

-my family is so large that despite everyone being very religious, homophobic and omnivores we have a lesbian family friend, a trans cousin, an atheist aunt and a vegan one. All are treated with respect. ( I'm still in the closet to them though. Don't need people telling me to close the goddamn door..)

-my family is also quite widespread in the talent area, everything from construction to mechanics to makeup and I can tell you that I can clean car parts, apply winged eyeliner and oil hinges and help hammer nails with the same level of simplicity.

-albeit being in a pre-honors class, I'm technically a high honors student. Why? I entered school atleast a year or so early, and not only being an advanced reader but I should be in seventh, maybe even sixth rather than eight. In other words, I'm a student going ahead a year or so above there required grade and managing my grades pretty well. :D.

-lmao, I should also not be allowed to talk. ( born into Alalia)

-I can dance a good number of Hispanic dances.

-I take many traditions seriously and adore each one individually for different reasons.

-my family is spread all over the American continent. Family all up in Canada and all the way down south.

-I'm technically from Spanish descent. Not Latin American. ( my peeps from Spain)

-I use Spanish slang way too much.

-I was born very pale. With near black eyes and very dark hair. I was called the shark baby for a long time.

- I have a mild deutan case of color blindness. (You can take the online test on if you're curious)

-I have somewhat trust and commitment issues

-I prefer to have an online relationship sometimes over a physical one.

-never been kissed

-has owned a shit ton of budgies and loved them all.

That's it! Damn I had to get that all off of my chest. You don't have to read it. But I thank all who did, I feel much better now.

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