Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 : Ciao, bonjour and hallo to you too (pt.1)

Iceland's P.O.V

The morning was hectic to say the least. It was slightly uncomfortable to see so many countries near us, getting ready to travel without fully recognizing us. While me and Julchen stayed clear of Those we knew we also hurried through the checkup process onto our transportation mode.
"Alright so now I remember why I hated traveling so much"
Julchen, hearing my comment snickers and pokes my cheek.
"Eh calm it Em, at least it is varm over in Rome. Also, remember that vhen in Rome do as zhe Romans do.. stab jour political opponents!"
A few people turn and glare at us, while I scold Julchen for that comment.
"Damn it Jul, don't say things like that! Your comments might.. trigger.. someone"
She makes a sour face.
"Ja, ja, I saw it in tumblr. Jegus people get offended really easily don't zhey Em?"
I nod.
"Do you have your passport at hand?"
She holds up her tiny booklet and I grin as they call our plane on the speakers as an arriving plane.
"Well lets go then, Rome here we come!"
Julchen simply smiles and wheels along our luggage, muttering in German. After a few minutes of settling over we are seating in first class seats, both very comfortable until the person who sits beside Julchen comes on. It was Hong Kong. I sat against the window and jul was in the middle and everyone seemed really uncomfortable. But soon we took off.

Around an hour had passed up in the air when Julchen decided to go use the bathroom, leaving me with the cheating spit wad way too close to my comfort.
"Hey, like, I don't think we've been properly introduced, my name is like, Leon"
I watch as the brunette extends his hand towards me, and I shake it although hesitant.
"Hallo Leon.. I'm Emilia"
I don't try to keep a conversation, my hatred for the asshole burning like the hatred of John Egbert towards Betty Crocker. Still he tries.
"I like, realized your phone case is of, like, Attack on Titan. I like, love that series. My brother actually, like, helped design the game and like, was the voice for like, Levi"
I blink, certain he is speaking of Japan, and the idea of the short and calm Asian voicing such a strong voiced character amused me.
"Oh really? That is rather interesting. Attack on Titan was one of my first anime series actually"
I watch as the corners of his mouth ghosted a smile.
"Same! Like, what was your favorite character?"
I press my lips momentarily, trying to remind myself to not speak to him, but, alas my fangirls must feed.
"I find Levi and Eren to be my personal favorites.. you?"
"Gurrlll I ship Ereri, there is like, nothing holding me back from like, those two hotties"
I force down a grin.
"Ah so you're a yaoi fan?"
His poker face stays as he nods seriously.
"Yaoi is a way of like, life. Appreciate it Emil"
I raise an eyebrow.
"Yeah, like, that German chick gave you that nickname of Em, I want to call you like, Emil"
And then a new voice joined our small chat.
"Vell the German chick is actually Prussian, so Sak it looser und, I get to call her Em cause ve're dating. Don't call her Emil vho ever jou are"
I stare at Julchen, who sits her proud little ass on the seat and promptly breaks the semi-nice conversation I had been holding with the male.
"Seriously Jul? Did ya have to get so jealous?"
"I'm not being jealous!"
I scoff.
"Yeah right! You're totes Jelly Jul!"
She pouts and smacks my arm slightly.
"Shut up Em, I don't like him he gives me a vrong vibe"
Hong Kong frowns at Prussia.
"Like, I'm right here, don't you like, have any respect?"
"I do, just not to fuck boys like jou!"
I put my hand over her mouth and she licks my hand and solvers over it. I groan but keep it there, my Sherlock instincts screeching to get my hand of, wash it, disinfect it, wash it again and put hand sanitizer on. I don't.
"Sorry Leon, Jul is a bit eccentric"
"It's like fine, although you might like, want to take you hand off of her mouth"
I do, and wipe my hand on her.
" ha! Also, I, a born fighter, I own a shit ton of weapons and can kill you easily boy!"
Hong Kong's eyebrows rise and pass the hemisphere.
"The fuck? You can't kill me, I'm like, literally immortal."
I snort. Hong Kong wasn't much of a fighter and Julchen could totally serve his ass..
" hehe danke Em!"
Hong Kong gave me a sour look. Shit I said that aloud didn't I?
"And how would you,like, know?"
I share a look with Julchen. In unison we begin looking him over and assessing him.
"V/Well to begin, j/you have horrible posture, indicating that in most if not all combat that it can be used against j/you. J/Your fingers are thin v/which means they're easy to crush and j/your neck is quite long V/which can make it easy to choke j/you, nutcrack j/your neck or snap it back.. or long kick, upper kick and basically crush j/your v/windpipe. Julchen/I know(s) how to avoid those areas. V/We're guessing j/you don't?"
His mouth falls agape and he moves his head.
"Holy shit, you like, weren't kidding when you said you where like, fighters. Is that your job?"
"Vhat do jou mean?"
Hong Kong looks at us both and shifts slightly, and I'm guessing he is glad Jul is off of his back.
"Yeah like, are you guys part of the military?"
Julchen grins.
"Dude! My family has a huge record vith the military as does Em's family. Ve both vere raised fighting. Ve grew up fought and trained before retiring. Ve both run a channel. Right Em?"
I nod.
"Woah, your families, both like, are intertwined with war?"
I nod.
"Both of our families fought in the world wars, a good number of civil wars and everyone carries the same crest"
This was actually not a lie. Since our countries are our families we where technically telling the truth. After a few more hours, not that bad airplane food a few rap wars between the Asian and Prussian and an intervention from yours truly, we land. I look out of the window into the night sky of Rome and take in a deep breath. I was so ready for this vacation.

A:N/ lmao I'm sorry I took so long to complete this. On other news I'm working on some homestuck stuff and trying to finish said comic, I have my outfit for Tuesday (the winter concert) and I'm also working on a Germano v.s Amerimano fan fiction that will soon be posted. Also on a special fan fiction that will rise when I'm done plotting everything.
:o) iT's GoInG tO bE mOtHeRfUcKiNg MiRaCuLoUs.  GoNnA gO dRiNk My FaYgO, lAtEr!!~~

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