Dance Routine ZenxReader (fluff)

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  You recently had gotten a new dance routine for your dance instructor which was pretty hard. You've been practicing non stop and had not talked to Zen for the past week. He is starting to worry that you're upset with something that he did. He finally puts his foot down and decides to go check the studio you work at.

  He walks in being greeted by the instructor who dropped by to see how the progress of your dance is going. Your instructor smiles "Hello Zen funny seeing you here!" The instructor smiled shaking Zen's hand. Zen smiled politely "Do you happen to know if (y/n) is here?" the instructor nods pointing to your room. "She got a new dance routine and I dropped by to see how she was doing. Though I'm guessing she already told you that." The instructor chuckles scratching the back of his neck.

  Zen stood there quite shocked. How couldn't you have told him that you got a new routine? He already didn't really trust your instructor due to the fact that he is a guy and immediately got jealous. "No actually... She didn't tell me anything about a new dance.." Zen says looking in the direction of where you are. The instructor looks at Zen and awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. "Oh I'm sorry the hear that.. Well I'll get going.. I hope everything gets sorted out. Have a good evening Zen!" The instructor waved goodbye to him and walked out to his car.

  Zen grew uneasy thinking the worse and thinking that you were cheating on him with your dance instructor. He walks over to the window to see you starting the music up again to practice your dance once more before going home. You started to dance and Zen was immediately mesmerized by your moves. He swayed slightly to the beat of the music just watching you as you danced and swayed oh so elegantly.

  The song eventually came to an end and you stood staring at yourself in the mirror and smiling triumphantly. You have finally gotten one of the hardest parts in the song down and you were very proud of yourself. You turn around and come face to face with Zen who was still staring at you through the window. You jumped back slightly in surprise and watched him as he walked into you studio.

"H-hello Zen... How long were you standing there?" You say pushing some stray hairs that had fallen out of your pony tail out of your face. "Long enough to see the entirety of your last run through of your new dance routine, you know the one you didn't tell me about." He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him. "Shit! Zen I'm sorry... This is just a really hard routine and I have just been so tired and busy that I guess I forgot to tell you.." You mentally face palmed due to the fact that you forgot to tell your boyfriend about this dance. "(y/n) I want you to be honest with me... Do you like your dance instructor more than me?"

This question caught you off guard as you stared at him in disbelief. "What? No! Of course not Zen! You are the only one I love! You are my one and only and my dance instructor cant even compare to you." You saw wrapping your arms around Zen's neck. He nods smiling at your words. You two share a lovely kiss smiling as he picks you up bridal style. "Come one princess, tonight you're coming back to my house. I'm gonna show you how much I love you and how much you mean to me." You blush smiling and giggling. Good thing you walked here today.

(I think this one came out pretty good to be honest! I found it cute and I hope you did too!)

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