Fit for a Queen ZenxReader (Fluff)

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  Here she comes. The young and fair queen of the land. She was arriving back from her trip to France. Everyone gathers on the streets to see you arrive. You smile and wave as you get out of your cart. You have a very light short to long pastel (f/c) strapless dress on, with your crown and silver high heels.

  You walk slowly up the pathway to you palace waving tiredly at the commoners on the street. You lock eyes with a man who was responsible for cleaning the palace top to bottom. He was standing next to his co worker. His co worker turned his head, his red hair flying into his face as the man with the crimson eyes smiles at you.

  You smile and wave at him walking into the palace, leaving everyone cheering. Everything dies down and people walk away. Workers go back to work and the two cleaners get back to what they were doing.

  You walk to your room just wanting to shower and relax as you walked up the stairs. You take a shower and get into comfy clothes. So what you're the queen. You can wear whatever the hell you want. You look out your window to see the two young men you saw earlier. You decided it would be nice to go outside and see them. You wall down the stairs and out into the courtyard.

You see those crimson eyes and his friend with the red hair again and decide to wave at them again. "Dude, the Queen, shes waving at us again.." The red head hits the crimson eyes boy in the shoulder again. "Seven shut up! You're too loud, shes going to hear you!" The crimsoned eyed, slivered hair one whisper yelled and the one who you're guessing is seven. What a peculiar name. "Whatever Zen lighten up its not like shes gonna walk over here and start up a conversation with us. There is no reason to be embarrassed. Zen and Seven. Huh. Creative but nice, and memorable.

  You smirk at Seven's idea and walk over to them. "Oh shit never mind... Shes coming... Shit.." The red head says, panic subtly laced in his voice. You smile and meet those familiar yet strange crimson eyes that you are some hoe attracted to. "Hello.." You say giving a polite curtsy. The two guys look at you, giving a polite bow then looking a each other. You smile "You're Seven right?" You say looking at the red head. He nods quickly still baffled by the fact that you're talking to them. "And you're the infamous cleaning boy Zen, correct?" Zen was baffled by the fact that you knew his name. He nodded bowing again and looking at his feet.

  You smile at them being so shy, but you stop smiling once you see one of the neighboring royal families daughter coming towards you with her overly expensive looking boyfriend. You roll your eyes hearing her mirror shattering voice ring through your head. "Oh (y/n)~! We are heeerrrreeeeee!" she sings in an obnoxiously high voice. You give a curt nod to her boyfriend Jumin who you had been friends with until he was forced into a relationship with this girl. "Hello Cumberlin." You say rolling your eyes as you glance back at Zen and Seven.

  The girl pouts looking at Jumin. "You still wont call me by my first name? Come one (n/n) we've been friends since kindergarten and you have never said my first name ever." Jumin smirks at the thought of you calling her Cumberlin in primary school. "What are you laughing at?!" She says in her horrible high pitched voice. Jumin visibly flinches at the suddenly voice but shrugs staying calm and collected.

  You glance back at Seven and Zen who are still surprisingly standing there. They both give you a sympathetic smile and Cumberlin takes notice of that.  "Who are these two? Also why are you talking to commoners? They are just dirt compared to us, you know that better than anyone. I mean you have had relations with commoners in the past and have gotten punished for it." You flinch as she brings up the memory and you really wanna punch her in the face.

  "What do you mean m'lady?" Seven curiously asks as Zen elbows him in the stomach and Jumin gives you a sympathetic look. Cumberlin laughs flipping her hair. "Well, (y/n) here wanted to get married to a commoner. She'd been secretly dating them for a good five years. Luckily, a guard saw them and reported her and the commoner to her father who was ill at the time. Her father who was the king at the time threatened to take away the crown from her even before she got it. Well anyways as for the commoner, no one knows where they are to this day. Rumor has it, her father forced her the execute him so there would be no chance for them to get married."

  Tears fell fro your eyes, being reminded of that horrible memory. "Aw.. Did I strike a nerve (n/n)?" You looked up at her with utter rage flooded in your eyes. The tears fell as you sobbed and grabbed her hair. She screamed trying to fight against you. Luckily all those fighting classes that your father made you take paid off. Jumin, Seven, and Zen all gasped as they watched not knowing if the should stop it or not.

  You flung her against the wall as you sobbed. "I'm so tired of you doing this to be Sarah!! I haven't done anything to you or your palace!! I've done nothing but try and be nice to you but you have refused my friendship! You wonder why I never call you by your first name?! Because god dammit I hate you!! You're the worst kind of person and I hate you with a burning passion!! I've been holding my tongue for all these years but I'm done!! You know how much I loved him Sarah! I loved him so much and my father made me execute him! Do you know how horrible that is?! No you don't!!" You scream sobbing and slamming her against another wall.

  Man did it feel good finally getting all of this of your chest. Suddenly you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around you and hold you back while hugging you tightly to their chest. You turn around seeing Zen. You broke down even more hugging him and sobbing into his chest. You sobbed as Jumin and Seven patted your back. Sarah stood up tears running down her fazce and blood gushing from her nose. She had a bruise on her cheek and a busted lip from hitting her face on the wall. She stomped her foot glaring at you and them locking eyes with Jumin. "Cumberlin.... Go fuck yourself, we are over and I'm moving back into this village." Jumin said glaring at Sarah. "J-Jumin! How you say that at a time like this?!" Sarah cried out. Jumin didnt respond to her though he just turned around and wrapped his arms around you Zen and Seven, who were in a giant group hug.

    After Sarah had left you three talked for a few hours. Jumin was the first to depart because he needed to go grab some of his favorite belongings. "(y/n) I'm so sorry I asked what happened..." Seven says rubbing your back. "It's fine you were just curious..." You sniffed. Seven departed soon after to go finish up his duties.It was just you and Zen. "(y/n).... I've liked you for a while and..." his voice trailed off. You smiled to yourself. "I've watched you for a while too... That sounds really creepy but its not.. or at least i don't want it to be.." Zen chuckles. "Look... How about I let you live in the palace with me and I can upgrade your ranking.. Then we can get to know each other better okay?" You say grabbing a hold of his hand. He blushes and nods smiling at the offer. You two share a hug before he runs off to grab his stuff from his home.

---Time Skip---

  A few months okay maybe years go by and you smile waving to Zen. He smiles in his silver armored uniform and runs to you picking you up and spinning you around. "So (n/n)... I have a proposal for tonight." He says smiling and setting you down. "And that is?" You smile brightly. "Well I thought we could get dinner... and not dinner here at the palace, no at a fancy and expensive restaurant." He smiles more, holding his head high at his proposal. "I would love that Zen."

  You two are at the restaurant laughing and just generally having a good time. "(y/n) there is a reason other than having a good time as to why I brought you here." You look at Zen. His cheeks are very red. "Yes, Zen? What is it? Are you okay?" You say grabbing a hold of his hand. "Would you do me the honor of being mine? Mine and mine only?" You smile brightly and nod frantically. You lean over the table and kiss him earning some awws from the people around you. You just made Zen the happiest man alive.

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