The Attack RFAxReader (kinda also slight angst)

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You were on your computer, setting up plans as everyone from the RFA was sitting in your house. They were all helping you prepare for an attack with a neighboring assassination group.

You need information that they had and couldn't stand to see them getting ahead of your progress. Seven was hacking into the security system and taking down all the cameras and sensors.

You look behind you to see Yoosung and Jaehee preparing medical kits as Jumin V and Zen stocking up on ammo and weapons in general. You pushed you chair away from your desk a bit and everyone looked up at you. You rolled over to a big suitcase. You grabbed headsets from the case and handed one to everyone. "You guys ready to do this shit?" Everyone smirks and nods at you.

You smile devilishly and stand up going to get changed into you gear. After a few minutes everyone changed and set up for the mission. Everyone is wired up properly so everyone can hear each other no matter how far you guys are. Everyone walks into the parking garage of your guys headquarters and and jumps into a black minivan.

It takes a good thirty minutes to get to the correct help. Seven was driving and he may or may not have gotten lost a few times. Anyways Seven got his computer set up and you and Jaehee were to go in first. Since you two are the stealthiest in the group, you two will go in and scope the place out then call in Jumin Zen V and Yoosung. You and Jaehee step out of the care and sprinting in two different directions. Seven was able to override the camera to make it look like nothing was moving but in reality they had the actual camera footage being played to his computer.

Jaehee was the first to breech into the building. You were had gotten into the building about five minutes after her. "We are in" you both say simultaneously. Everyone in the car breathes a sigh of relief for a second. You and Jaehee scouted out the building looking into rooms trying to make sure the coast is clear. "Shit! I think someone is right around the corner from me. Seven can you look at the camera in the next hallway?" You ask hiding.

Seven bites his lip switching to the camera in the next hall and it was true. There was a guy standing guard by a door. "There is a guard standing by a strange door. I'm guessing that's where the documents are. Be careful (y/n).." you sigh softly nervous about being spotted. "I knew this place seemed too empty... okay, thanks seven." You retreat into a room farther away. "Jaehee can you pinpoint where you are right now, I sent the layout to your phone." You say looking down at the layout of the building. "Yes, I am in the west wing in the study, right now. So far there is no one which is quite strange but I do keep hearing foot steps." Jaehee says looking around in the room she's in. "Seven check all the cameras in the west wing." Jumin says looking over his shoulder. The red head nods zooming out from only one camera to look at all the cameras in the west wing. "Jaehee there are quite a few guards in the west wing. I think it would be best if you and (y/n) met up in the northern wing because no one seems to be there right now. You two are quite fast so you should be able to get there. Remember if you guys get in trouble Yoosung, Jumin, Zen, and V are ready with their weapons. I assume you both have yours on you?" Seven says into his microphone. "Yes." You and Jaehee say in sync.

You and Jaehee silently sprint to the northern wing and quickly find each other. You both check the lay out of the building looking at all the rooms. "Yoo, can you and V get on the roof? There is a hatch for you both to get down into the room with the strange doors. If you can get to that hatch you can put a smoke bomb down then V you can go in and do your thing." Yoosung and V look at each other and nod. "Right on that (y/n)." V says grabbing half of the supplies as Yoosung grabs the other half. V and Yoosung sprint around towards the back of the building. "Make sure you look at the building layout before doing anything. And Seven keep us posted if you see anyone anywhere okay?" Jaehee says looks at the lay out and pointing out somethings to you. "Of course don't worry." Yoosung and V say as the check the layout and notice a part of the building the would be quite easy to scale up... well easier than any other part of the building.

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