Un-Installation Glitch RFAxReader (Angst?) Part 1

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  That was it, you finished all the routes, you finished all the bad endings, and unlocked all the after endings. Hell you even finished everything in the Christmas DLC. There was nothing left for you to do in the app. This app has made you very happy, but it just takes up too much space for you too keep on your phone. Maybe in later years you'll redownload it and play everything over again.

  You held your thumb on the app until everything started shaking and a little x showed up in the to left corner of all the apps. You tapped on the x for "Mystic Messenger" which cause a confirmation bubble pop up. "Are you sure you want to delete Mystic Messenger ?" You smile remembering all the things that happened in the game, then hit the yes button. You phone deleted the game, or so you thought, then suddenly made a very loud beeping sound as the phone glitched out.

  You squeaked, throwing your phone on your bed in fear. Your phone glitched out for a few more minutes then shut off. You were slightly shaking as you stared at the phone. You slowly approached the phone and looked at it cautiously. After a few minutes you decide you should try turning your phone on. You hold the poser button for a few seconds and the screen lights up.

  You unlock your phone. Everything looks normal.. er except for the fact that Mystic Messenger was still on your phone. You looked at the app questioningly. You looked at everything else on your phone, everything was normal. You ended up tapping on the app wanting to see if anything was different in the app. The app starts up and you go tap on the deep story just so you can get to the home screen. You get to the home screen and look at everything. No calls, no texts, but all of your pictures were there. Then you looked close and saw that they were all very blurry and there were new pictures slots. "New pictures to unlock?" Did the game like update or something??

  You open the chatroom tab and you see that there is only day one on the screen. "Did I mess up and tap on a weird DLC or something? Why is there only one day?" You wonder aloud. You tap on the day and there is only one chatroom available right now. It has every character in it though. You scratch the back of your neck awkwardly, feeling uneasy about this entire situation.

                                                  ---(y/n) has entered that chatroom---

(y/n)- Hello?

707- Look who it is.

ZEN- (y/n)...

Jaehee- We thought you were different.

Jumin- Of course you would try to leave. But we couldn't let you go so easily (y/n).

Yoosung- (y/n)... I can't  believe you would do that.

  You tapped the answer button and your keyboard popped up. In the beginning the game just automatically forced you to put hello into the chat, but now you can type. You were officially freaked out.

(y/n)- What's going on? I don't understand... I just tried to delete a game and...

707- That's what's wrong (y/n). You tried to delete the game, which means you tried to delete us. Were we not entertaining enough for you?

Jaehee- We bonded so well (y/n). Why would you want to delete every memory of us. You didn't even screenshot any one the pictures from your album. 707 checked when your phone was off.

707- That's how we are here (y/n). I was the one who corrupted your phone, and now you can't ever delete this app. 

ZEN- Honey, we only want what's best for you, and what's is to stay with us.

                                              ---(y/n) has left the chatroom---

  This can't be happening. You press the home button on your phone and press your thumb to the app for a few seconds. Every app gets shaky with a little x on the top left hand corner. You looked at the Mystic Messenger app to tap the x and get this horrible glitch out of your phone. Though when you look at the app... There is no x. "What the fuck?!"

  You go back into the app trying to find anything to help you escape this hell.

                                              ---(y/n) has entered the chatroom---

ZEN- She's back.

Jumin- You thought 707 was kidding didn't you. Foolish. I wouldn't have thought you would have done something so naive.

707- Every time you exit the app, I get to hack further into your phone. I can get into anything with a single tap of a button.

(y/n)- I didn't mean to hurt you guy's I just finished everything to do. What was I supposed to do? Just do nothing with the app?

Yoosung- That would have been better that trying to delete up to be honest.

(y/n)- I'm... I'm sorry, what do I have to do, to get you guys to forgive me.

ZEN- Don't EVER try to delete this app again. Who would want to get rid of us, I mean come on I'm here.

707- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Of course, always enough time to be a narcissist.

Jaehee- He has a point though.

Jumin- What ever, Just don't try to run away anymore.

(y/n)- Fine...

                                        ---(y/n) has left the chatroom---

  God whats going to happen now... Why is this happening and since when did they become so real?

I got lazy so i had to cut this into different parts hahahaha killmenow.

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