Un-Installation Glitch RFAxReader (Kinda fluff) Part 2

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I've decided to turn this into something kinda cute and nice. I'm just not in the mood to write anything angsty.

 Its been a few days since you opened the app. They were starting to get angry with you. They wanted you with them 24/7. Suddenly a notification popped up. It was Saeyoung.

707: Can you come into the chatroom? We have a surprise we need to show you. You'll love it.

  "Eh, I mean how could it be?" You wonder aloud. You open the app and go into the chatroom.

                                                                ---(y/n) has entered the chatroom---

707- You came!

(y/n)- Yup! What is it that you wanted to show me?

707- I'm sending you a notification, if you could open that notification up that would be great! It has the surprise inside.

(y/n)- Um, I'm not sure about this, What notification is it going to be? Will it say anything specific?

707- It will say "open me" that's it, but I promise you wont regret opening it!

                                                              ---(y/n) Has left the chatroom---

  You saw the open me notification and looked at it cautiously. You finally decided to open it because you were too curious to not open it. Curiosity killed the cat.... You tapped on the notification looking and watching for anything suspicious. Suddenly your phone let out a screeching noise which made you jump and toss your phone on your bed. Your phone was flashing black and white when suddenly it exploded. Nothing big enough to damage anything but your bed sheets. There was quite a lot of smoke in the room. You coughed and opened your room window, turning your ceiling fan on to help ventilate the room. The smoke finally cleared and there, standing before you, was the RFA.

  Your eyes widened as you backed away from the six (V is there.) You stared at them and they smiled at you. "Oh my god.." Zen was the first to approach you as he grabbed your hand, pulling you into a hug. You tensed feeling him hug you. He was quite warm and after a little bit of time, you hugged him back. Jaehee smiled at you and showed you a few DVDs of Zen. You squealed jumping over to her and hugging her. This is so much better than what you thought it was going to be. You were so creeped out in the beginning but now, you love that this has happened. It seemed as though they jumped into your world when really. You jumped into theirs.

  "Wait, what am I going to do about my phone?" You look at the burnt piece of metal that lay on your bed. Jumin smiled taking your hand. "We will go out and buy you a new one right now." Zen rolled his eyes scoffing at Jumin. "Zen do we have a problem?" You giggled due to the fact that they were bickering already. "I wanted to take her out but of course you had to go and ruin it" You smiled "I will hang out with everyone equally, please make yourselves at home here!"

  This was going to be so much fun.

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